Lately Travis has been a bit obsessed with wanting a cash register of his own and making a little store. We have been having some lengthy conversations about this in the car every day as we take Connor to the
baby sitter's house. I happened to mention to him that when I taught first grade one year we had made a store in the classroom. So, that sort of sparked our idea to make our own little store at home. We have been saving some items for our store and today we bought some price tags for him. He has had fun putting prices on things and attaching the tags. I told him if he is really good maybe Santa will bring him a cash register for Christmas. (I know it is early to begin this conversation, but this is Travis we are talking about here. Santa is on his mind all year!!) He also is wondering about getting a cart too. I told him I wasn't sure if the elves knew how to make one his size. His answer.... "Well mom, they can just go to Russia and get one like the one I pushed around in the grocery store when we were there this summer." Well, I guess he told me! I told him that I wasn't sure if Russia would allow those carts to leave the country... he wasn't sure what to say to that! If Santa does happen to find a cart I hope he brings 2 because I know somebody else who would love to push one of those things around and we wouldn't want a fight on Christmas Day now would we? Watching him grow and learn right now is so much fun. I am remembering why I loved teaching First Grade so much! He is actually READING and WRITING and doing math word problems as well as solving problems mentally. I am so proud of him. It is moments like this I have to focus on when I really want to run for the hills away from it all because his behavior is killing me!
LOL Here are some pictures of my little grocer.

Daryle helped him name his store and make this sign for his bedroom door. He has since added a few more target symbols and smiley faces. He really wanted to name it Travis'
Wal-Mart but Daryle wouldn't let him for some reason.

Here he is with his "store", we have already added more items since this afternoon. If you look at his hand you can see he is snapping. For some reason he kept snapping his fingers as I was taking his picture, we aren't sure, maybe he thought we were filming a commercial?
Travis took this picture to show off his price tags. Too funny!
So, how is Connor? Well, this was the only picture I could get of him today since he moves at the speed of light! This is what he looked like as I tried to take his picture, he just ran right by me.
He is growing and changing a little bit every day. He is such a sweetheart, I hope he stays that way!!