Saturday, August 29, 2009

Travis: Future Grocer?

Lately Travis has been a bit obsessed with wanting a cash register of his own and making a little store. We have been having some lengthy conversations about this in the car every day as we take Connor to the baby sitter's house. I happened to mention to him that when I taught first grade one year we had made a store in the classroom. So, that sort of sparked our idea to make our own little store at home. We have been saving some items for our store and today we bought some price tags for him. He has had fun putting prices on things and attaching the tags. I told him if he is really good maybe Santa will bring him a cash register for Christmas. (I know it is early to begin this conversation, but this is Travis we are talking about here. Santa is on his mind all year!!) He also is wondering about getting a cart too. I told him I wasn't sure if the elves knew how to make one his size. His answer.... "Well mom, they can just go to Russia and get one like the one I pushed around in the grocery store when we were there this summer." Well, I guess he told me! I told him that I wasn't sure if Russia would allow those carts to leave the country... he wasn't sure what to say to that! If Santa does happen to find a cart I hope he brings 2 because I know somebody else who would love to push one of those things around and we wouldn't want a fight on Christmas Day now would we? Watching him grow and learn right now is so much fun. I am remembering why I loved teaching First Grade so much! He is actually READING and WRITING and doing math word problems as well as solving problems mentally. I am so proud of him. It is moments like this I have to focus on when I really want to run for the hills away from it all because his behavior is killing me! LOL Here are some pictures of my little grocer.
Daryle helped him name his store and make this sign for his bedroom door. He has since added a few more target symbols and smiley faces. He really wanted to name it Travis' Wal-Mart but Daryle wouldn't let him for some reason.Here he is with his "store", we have already added more items since this afternoon. If you look at his hand you can see he is snapping. For some reason he kept snapping his fingers as I was taking his picture, we aren't sure, maybe he thought we were filming a commercial?

Travis took this picture to show off his price tags. Too funny!

So, how is Connor? Well, this was the only picture I could get of him today since he moves at the speed of light! This is what he looked like as I tried to take his picture, he just ran right by me. He is growing and changing a little bit every day. He is such a sweetheart, I hope he stays that way!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Connor's First D-Back's Game

Last Sunday we celebrated 5 years of having Travis and it also happened to be Connor's very first Diamondback's baseball game. Those of you who know us, know that my husband is a HUGE baseball fan. We have had season tickets since the team started in 1998. We even kept them while we were in Memphis for 6 years, we just had some people buy them from us. Needless to say, in our family the first game is a big one! It was a great day and we actually stayed longer than I thought we would. Of course we never even sat in our seats! There is a place called The Sandlot that has a playground for the big kids and a place to run around for the little ones, among other things. We spent most of our time there until we went to the Peter Piper area that has all of the video games. Both boys had a fun time and were completely worn out from all the excitement. Here are a few pictures from our day. We were even lucky that Grammy and Grandpa had tickets too so they could share in our fun day.

Somebody (who won't be named) was not in the mood for picture taking here so that is why he is missing!

Lately we have noticed that Connor likes to put things on his head and walk around the house. He is such a little character.

Overall, the first week back to work, school and the sitter's went well. Connor did super at our babysitter's house. I knew he would be fine. He is in good hands plus he is pretty easy going in general. I had a lot of "stuff" to deal with at school but hopefully I am on track now with my new group and on Monday we will start off on the right foot. It only took two other teachers and myself to figure out a schedule for my three resourse/speech kiddos. That was getting stressful to say the least! I seem to have a pretty nice little class, so that is a plus for this year!

Travis is the one having the hardest time "adjusting" but we are hopeful that with each new day he will continue to do better and better. Gosh it's hard being 6 and having to share.... especially when you have to share your mom! This morning he got to make "a craft" and I told him I would put his picture here. He made a cute little bookmark he found online. He really can be so cute and sweet!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy Gotcha Day!!

Five years ago today (actually August 16...I wrote this last night to quickly post today!) Daryle and I were in court in Blagoveshchensk, Russia convincing the judge that we would be good parents for Travis. It was a long court hearing, a little over two hours. Finally, at 11:18 am the judge came back with her decision that we were officially being named his mom and dad. What an emotional moment that was as it took over ten months for the judge to invite us for court. In those days we only had to go on one trip, thank goodness. We got the referral on Oct. 2, 2003 but didn't have court until Aug. 16, 2004. It was an incredibly long, emotional and stressful journey. In the end it was all worth it! Travis has completely caught up to his peers in every way. When we brought him home at 16 months he weighed 15 1/2 pounds and 28 inches long. You could feel his spine sticking out down his back and you could see and feel his little ribs. He was so much smaller than children his own age, we just hoped that some day he would grow! Well, today he blends right in with all the other First Graders on the playground. He is doing well academically and socially. We are so proud of how well he has done over the past 5 years and we look forward to a lifetime of memories in the future. Happy Gotcha Day Travis, we love you so much!!

Here is that one referral picture we carried around with us for those long 10 months!
Here is Travis today, now he can add the title of Big Brother to his list of accomplishments.

Friday, August 14, 2009

My busy baby boy

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing


Today was my last day of Family Leave...sigh...I am so thankful that I was able to take this time to be home. I really did get a lot of things done. Today I even got to the Social Security office to apply for his SS number! One more thing to cross off the never ending to-do list. This is sort of a bittersweet moment for me. On the one hand, I have enjoyed being a stay at home mom for a few weeks. On the other hand, I am anxious to get back to school and get into our routine. I will always remember walking Travis to school, walking to pick him up after school and spending some special one on one time with Connor during the day. I feel so lucky to have been able to take this time with him. I wasn't able to take this much time with Travis, so it has been a lot of fun. People have been asking me how I am feeling about going back on Monday. I am not sure how to answer this, because I am not sure how it will hit me once I drop him off in the morning. I am thinking I will be just fine...but sometimes I think I will be fine until I am in the moment. The one thing that will help me is that I get to be back with Travis now during the day. I get to see him at lunch for a couple of minutes and sometimes I get to see him walking down the hallway with his class. The two of us will get our special one on one time back because we get to hang out before and after school together again. I think this will be good for Travis, it will seem more like"old times" for him. He has been having a difficult time adjusting...much more so than Connor. Connor acts like he has always been here! LOL However, I think we may have turned a corner with Travis this week. He got in some BIG trouble on Saturday and since then he has been much better. I hope it continues. At school 5 of the past 6 days he has had excellent behavior! His teacher says he is doing very well in school. He is actually READING!! I am so proud of him. I am so glad he is off to a great start! Connor got to meet his babysitter this week and he did so well! He just walked around and played with toys (he even stole a toy from somebody...oops!) and acted like he had been there before. I know he will do great there, it is good to see he already feels at home just like Travis used to when he was little. Here are a couple of pics from our last week at home.
Travis wanted to help me cook. I pulled out an old Christmas apron my grandma made me years ago and he put it on. He said to me, "Mom, which side is the cutest?" I about died! Here he is helping me make beef stew. We also made banana bread but no picture of that. Only this one with a crazy look on his face to go with it! (Yes, that is his breathing machine ....we have to put it up because Connor likes to unplug things and then stick the cords in his mouth! Yuck!)
Here is my monkey boy....he climbed up on this! (It looks much taller here than it really is.) Why, he climbs on everything!!! Nothing stops this little guy... watch out world! I have a feeling we may have some emergency room visits in our future if this stuff keeps up! LOL
Isn't that the cutest little face??? How could he cause any trouble??!! I just love these boys!!

Friday, August 7, 2009


Connor LOVES to play peek-a-boo! He discovered this container today and he is so funny walking around with this on his head. He laughs so hard and so do we! This is the cute, smiley face I get to look at every day. He really is a very happy baby and you would never know he has only been in our family less than 2 months. (I know that looks like a LOT of toys, but most of them were also Travis' toys that I saved! I call Connor "Cyclone Connor" because I no sooner have the toys picked up and he has emptied the basket again. He is such a mess! LOL)I also seem to have a little monkey on my hands! As I was on the computer Connor was playing right behind me. It got quiet, so I turned around and found him on the train table! The only problem is that he can get up there but he doesn't know how to get down! I am sure it won't take long for him to figure that one out. LOL We had such a good time with my friends Stephanie and Deanna. We all went to high school together in California yet we now live in three different states. I feel so lucky that I keep in touch with them both. It was so nice to have them come at the same time to meet Connor and visit with my family. The only thing that was missing were their husbands and kids! Maybe the next time we will ALL get together! While they were here the three of us were lucky to even get some "girl time" and get pedicures, do some shopping, see a movie and go out to dinner. It was so relaxing. I figured I would try to be on "vacation" too and have some fun. Next week is my last week off before I go back to work and the craziness really begins. On Thursday I begin my next Master's class so that craziness will resume as well. Fun times ahead! Here are two pictures of the boys with my friends. We sure miss them! I wish we all lived closer...what a house full of kids we would have if we did!

I am so lucky to have had an "extended" summer and part of me is anxious to get back to work but the other part of me will miss being home with Connor. Thank goodness we have a fabulous sitter and I know he will be in good hands! I also love our school schedule because I know that we will have the first two weeks on October off together and it will come quickly I am sure.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where is Connor?

This is what I found at nap time the other day...he is active before he falls asleep!! Not only does he untie the bumper, he throws his things out of the crib! LOL Can you find the baby?We are so lucky to have some very dear friends visiting us this week. The three of us went to High School together. They both flew in from different states just to meet Connor, I feel so lucky to have such awesome friends. (We need to do this more often over the years!) Here are Stephanie and Deanna doing our nightly "story time" with Travis. Boy have they been a HUGE help and Travis has been such a good boy. He is really loving all of the extra attention, he will be sorry to see them leave. (So will I!!)
This is Connor sitting like a big kid in the recliner drinking his apple juice. He is such a good baby. He can play by himself and stay entertained, you just have to keep a very close eye on him as he likes to get into things he shouldn't. Watch out if you take something away...he cries and gets very upset! Sorry Connor, I just can't let you play with plastic bags, pencils and in the dog's water bowl!