Another Spring Break has come and gone for us. The good part is that summer will be just around the corner. The "bad" part (or should I just say the chaotic part) I guess is that things are about to get very crazy around here. Travis has his first baseball game this week, and it just happens to also be on his birthday. He will have one to two games per week plus practice times for the next two months. Add that to our regular chaos and you will see how all of a sudden it will be June around here in the blink of an eye.
Yesterday we got a chance to visit with my brother. He was in town for training for his job so he extended his stay into the weekend. It was nice to have some good quality time with him. My boys really enjoy playing with Uncle Rob. I only wish he didn't live so far away so we could see him more often. However, I did get my yearly picture of him with the boys. We did our "serious" picture first.
Then they did some silly ones. This one was my favorite.
Sometimes I look at other blogs or see my friends and family post pictures of their little girls playing dress up in cute princess dresses. Well, we have no princess dresses around here. However, we do have football uniforms....
and Darth Vader costumes! I am so glad to see they can be used for more than just Halloween! Connor lives in an imaginary world. When he dresses up he is in total character. He has been walking around here all day talking in a strange voice, trying to sound like Darth Vader. I am not even sure he has ever even seen a Star Wars movie. He cracks me up.
Yesterday Daryle finally got the uniforms for the baseball team. They look pretty good too.
I can't wait for their first game! I just love how they all look in their uniforms. They are just so. darned. cute.
In one way I am dreading going back to school. Back to a schedule. Back to deadlines, test prep, workshops, Science Night, yadda, yadda, yadda. On the other hand I think my kiddos need to get back into their routine. After two weeks of no structure they tend to get a little restless.
On another note, we had our last post placement report for Connor. Yes, can you believe that time has come already??! We had it last Thursday. We survived. Thank goodness the social worker is a fellow adoptive mother and a former teacher. She understood the craziness that was going on around us. I guess my kids get a little anxious when a visitor comes over to write things down and report it to Russia. Honestly, they are typical boys until my phone rings or somebody comes over and they need to be good. That is just recipe for disaster in my house. I am glad all the reporting is over. When we did these for Travis I knew all the dates by heart that we needed to have the reports in by. With Connor I wasn't even sure if this was our last report or not until she showed up at my door. I will say if I hadn't of called I don't think they would have called me. I do feel a great sense of responsibility to get these in on time in order to help those in the process now. From what I hear things are shaky in the Russian adoption world right now. I sure hope they can work something out between the countries. Only time will tell. I pray for all of the children around the world who don't have forever families. Of course the ones in Russia have a special spot in our hearts.
I will leave with a funny conversation at our house last night.
Connor: When I am 10 I will have a sister.
Daryle: Really, where will she come from?
Connor: Russia!!
Travis: No Connor, you don't want one of those until you are 16!
Me: What is that supposed to mean?!
Followed by lots and lots of laughter. I am still scratching my head over that one. Silly boys!