Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter 2013

I felt bad about Easter this year. Gosh, it sure came early!  I  bought dye to do the eggs but we just never found the time to get them done.  However, the boys did leave out their Easter baskets Saturday night and in the morning they had an egg hunt inside the house.  The bunny left a note and he even asked Travis to please let his brother find some of the eggs too. Travis really took that to heart and was so cute as he "helped" Connor find some of the eggs.

 What a cute little guy!
 Connor can be just a *tad* bit stubborn at times. He is not in deep thought or meditation here... he is refusing to get his picture taken! 
Finally, with some bribery, I was able to get a picture of them with Petey.
 Stop growing!!!!
We spent the day at my aunt and uncle's house with most of our extended family.  We had a wonderful time. The kids went swimming, we had great food and of course it is always fun to visit and catch up with everybody.  I brought my camera but didn't take even one single picture. I guess we were having too much fun.
 Yesterday was picture day for baseball so everybody was dressed and ready to go at the same time. 
Ah, baseball season is here!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

T-Ball Player in the House

Another season of Little League is upon us once again.  Connor has decided to play another season of T-ball.  Like most 4 year olds he loves to play. Sometimes.  When it fits his schedule. If there aren't any bugs to catch, zombies to slay, or any other imaginative situation you can think of, in the way.  He is one busy, crazy, fun little guy.  Here he is at his first game of the season.
He has quite the arm.  Now if we could get him to look in the direction where the ball is going.. sigh...
His coach is wonderful with these little guys. Since Daryle is coaching Travis' team he is just helping out on Connor's team.  Here he is getting ready for his first time at bat. This is his favorite part of the game. Of course!
Yay! He made it to Third base to give dad a high five.

This is the look I got at the end of the game. He is so silly! He lives mostly for the snack at the end of the game.  Then he gets to go play on the playground. Ah, the life of Connor.  Wouldn't be great if we could go back in time and be 4 again.. if only for a day??!