Before we move on to 2015 I guess I need to wrap up 2014. In December Connor finished up another baseball season with this nice medal. Daryle also gave each child a personalized award. Connor's was the "Every games a double header" Award. The reasoning... at each game there is the actual game being played and then another one being played inside Connor's head! (If you ever go to a game... it is obvious during down time that Connor is acting out another game in his head! Of course in those games he is a Dback player!!)
In early December we had some rain storms. The result were some amazing clouds. Although it was cold and windy at this soccer game I couldn't resist taking pictures of the amazing clouds (and my favorite soccer player #37!)
At our church we once again decorated little Christmas trees to give to the local hospitals. They gave them out to patients during the holidays. They always turn out so cute!
Travis got on the Honor Roll this quarter!!! He worked so hard for this and we are all so proud of him!
One night we went looking at lights. Not far from us is an amazing neighborhood. This guy spends over 3 months getting his house ready. I am sure it is on you tube somewhere. It really was a most spectacular sight. It was even more fun when Santa and his "friends" came out for a photo opportunity!
Always good to get these guys picture taken by the large ornaments our town puts out every year. This year it even looks like they coordinated with the ornament! lol
Aha! The Real Santa made an appearance at our local farm. We missed him last year so it was good to catch up and the kids got to tell him about any last minute additions to their lists.
Connor was ready for the Bronco's game on Monday night football game and had to send this picture to my brother... who is a die hard Seahawk's fan. They have a fun rivalry going!
I managed to get in some baking....
while Travis did a lot of wrapping for me. Wow, is he a life saver!! I will be using his skills more and more next year. He does a really good job too. Connor also "helped" but he still likes to use a roll of paper no matter the size of the gift!!'s the thought that counts right? (Plus it made Christmas morning a little more fun watching Grammy open her gifts!)
Connor thought Petey might be cold so he wrapped them both up in blankets. Petey actually stayed there most of the day. I was shocked.
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner with the grandparents.
Bernard... our elf... left them a present while we were at dinner and church....
he brought them elf pajamas!!! I think they are so cute.. and the boys LOVED that they looked like elves. Some people think this picture will be blackmail material when they get older. Whatever. They loved them at that moment, and that's what counts!
Christmas morning!
Trying to take a family selfie on Christmas morning.
Christmas Day part 2... at my parent's house.
Somebody ended the year with a new look! He picked out these blue glasses himself. They look so cute on him and he loves them. He needs to wear them all the time... good thing we have vision coverage!
Travis doesn't really have a favorite football team... but decided to jump on his brother's bandwagon. Their dad is a die hard Raiders fan. This is painful for him. But he is being a good sport about it!
Enjoying a campfire at our favorite local restaurant while waiting for our table.
It had been 3 years since we did official family portraits. Although we took them just a few days before Christmas ... which resulted in New Years cards being sent as opposed to Christmas cards... I think they turned out pretty nice. Here are a couple of my favorite ones.
Well.. ok that is most of them.. but didn't they turn out nice? At the very end of the shoot they boys had cooked up a little plan with our photographer. This was the end result...
You can just hear the laughter in these pictures! They had so much fun doing this... well I think we all did!
Happy New Year! May 2015 bring you happiness...good health.. and joy.
Watch out for the unexpected blessings too!