Thursday, July 17, 2008

We passed the test (we think!)

Last night we had our psych exam. Boy did this test have some interesting questions! You have to answer true or false for each one. There were 375 questions on the test. I guess this test is just checking for mental illness. There were a lot of questions asking about mind control problems, if you thought the world was out to get you, if you take pleasure in other people's problems and things like that. Then it would say things like, would you like to be a librairian? a florist? a park ranger? If you were a reporter would you like to report on theater events? sporting events? violent crimes? It was really wierd and Daryle and I were at the table just cracking up at a lot of these silly questions!! Meanwhile, the guy and Travis were watching The Lion King and Travis thought this was his new best friend. The poor guy was trying to read our autobiographies and Travis was glued to his side. I think the man liked it and he didn't seem to mind. What were we to do as we had to answer these 370+ questions??? So, at the end of the whole thing he told us we of course would pass and that his report would be very favorable. He was very pleasant and funny. Of course Daryle had on his Raiders shirt and the first thing the man said was "Oh, you're a Raider fan? I'm sorry!" Of course he was a Bronco fan!! (For those of you who don't know, the two teams are HUGE rivals!) So, immediately the jokes began as to how it may be questionable if Daryle will pass his exam or not!! In the end it all went well and we are happy to have one more thing behind us. Now, on to the homestudy!!

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