Thursday, October 2, 2008


Well, yesterday I officially told our agency that we were not going to be able to accept that little baby boy they told us about. That was a little harder to do than I thought. It is very hard to have to say no to a child, but on the other hand we have to do what is best for our family. Anyway, that is now behind us and we are moving on!

So with that being said, next we had to decide which region we want to send our information to in Russia. After a lenghty discussion weighing the ins and outs of the regions they work in we have decided on Moscow City! When we went over for Travis we got to enjoy Moscow twice, but both times were extremely rushed. There is a lot we didn't have time to see. This time around with three trips I am sure we will get a much wider experience of Moscow. It is a beautiful city and we are excited to have a chance to go back. I was told the program in Moscow is a good one and seems to move along nicely. We are excited about this region and are keeping our fingers crossed that we will find our child there!!

Even happier news, I finished my first class last night!! YEAH! Now only 11 more to go....let's hope I make it with all of this other stuff going on lately! I guess it is good they will give me 6 years to complete a 2 year program!!

Also, we have decided to make volume 2 of the cookbook that we made to raise money for Travis' adoption. We also want to have a casino night, I am just having trouble finding a location for that. We REALLY want to do that one too, especially since we have had so many people express interest in wanting to participate. Now that my class is done for two weeks and I still have one more week off from work, hopefully I will make progress on my fundraising efforts.

Thanks for all the prayers and encouraging thoughts over the last few weeks, we have appreciated them all!!

PS-Can you believe it was 5 years ago today that we first saw a picture of Travis and found out about him?? Boy, how time flies!!

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

Don't feel bad for doing what's best for your family.

I want to help with the cookbook. I will try to talk to you this weekend about it.