Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I can hardly believe it was just one year ago that Daryle and I started telling people that we had decided to take a leap of faith and adopt another child. When we stop to reflect we realize that so much has happened and changed in the last year. We are so excited to have met our new son and we are even more thrilled to bring him home and start our life with him. We are pretty sure we will be having court this month, we will know for sure later this week. We probably will have short notice, so we are preparing to leave at a moment's notice. If things go as we hope we have a very good chance of having him home much earlier than we had originally been told. We also know how things in Russia can change so for now we are saying big prayers and keeping our fingers crossed that we get the news we are hoping to hear this week. We have decided to go ahead and send off for our VISA's tomorrow, it is all just so incredible and "crazy" as our adoption coordinator put it. I am a nervous wreck on the inside while trying to stay calm and cool on the outside. I have no idea how well I am accomplishing that! Well, I am off to enjoy Mother's Day, I am hoping to make it in for a pedicure later this afternoon. Pure bliss!


mad white woman said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too! Pedicures are the BEST. :)

Mary Ann said...

Happy Mother's Day! This will be a wonderful year. I can't wait to see your little one.
Mary Ann

Cara said...

Happy Mother's Day Lisa! I just want to say how much I love your family, I love reading your blog! We are keeping you in our prayers as you continue forward in having Connor come to your happy home! What a GREAT MOM you are! love, Cara