Monday, June 29, 2009 update!

Oh gosh, where do I begin?? Things have been so busy and hectic around here I don't even know where to start! Most of last week was spent acclimating and adjusting to AZ time/jet lag/a new family member and daddy going back to work on Wednesday. I think by Friday we were on a schedule. Connor is doing amazingly well. He sleeps about 11-12 hours at night and takes about a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. He continues to eat anything I put in front of him, he is starting to eat and enjoy some table foods. Today he tried cantaloupe and some lunch meat and I think most of it made it into his mouth! He is starting to walk, I figure by the end of July we will be chasing him everywhere because he will be running to keep up with Travis! LOL He has such a happy disposition, he smiles all of the time and seems to be so content and "at home" with us.

Yesterday we had a huge Welcome Home/Happy Birthday party for Connor. We ended up having about 78 people in our house to celebrate! (For those of you that were here, sorry it got so hot! I tried setting the air low but there were so many people in here!!) We are so thankful for so many friends and family that came over to celebrate with us. People were amazed at how well he did. He was so happy the entire time, he went to anybody and everybody. I even caught him right in the thick of things playing with a bunch of kids. He held his own, it probably felt like he was back in Russia! lol However, we couldn't let the weekend go without some type of "drama". On Saturday morning my dad woke up with a swollen face. My mom took him to an emergency dentist, they sent them to the emergency room and then he ended up being admitted and had surgery on Sunday morning/afternoon!! My poor mom!! Of course we had the whole weekend planned and coordinated to get everything together and it all went right out the window. In the end it all worked out, everybody had fun and I am so thankful this weekend is OVER! My dad got out of the hospital this afternoon (I think the nurses were glad to get rid of a cranky old man...sorry dad!) and he is at home resting. He should make a full recovery. I was of course worried about my dad, but I was even more worried about my mom because she was emotional and driving all over the place between the hospital and my house not to mention worrying about this party. She is such a strong person, she held it together and made it through with flying colors! Hooray Mom!! Now she will probably sleep for the rest of the week, I know I would if I were her! ;-) Thanks Mom for everything, we couldn't have pulled it off without you!

Now we are entering week 2 of being home. Connor seems to be getting into a schedule and he seems to feel very comfortable at home. He goes to bed so easily now, thank goodness! Travis has started soccer camp this week, he is loving that. Running and kicking a soccer ball for 3 hours is a great way to get out some energy!! We are looking forward to the Fourth of July because it will be Connor's first big holiday with us. I wonder what he will think of the fireworks?

I will end this endlessly long post with a few of my favorite pictures from the past week. Enjoy!

Two "big brothers" comparing notes!

I keep telling Travis, "A sleeping baby is a HAPPY baby!"

Watching daddy mow the lawn in the backyard.

Watching morning television together.

We went out to lunch with my grandma so she could get a visit with Connor before the big party on Sunday. We have a picture with me included (4 generations!) but it is on my mom's camera, of course! So here are Connor and Travis with Grammy and Great Grandma.
Connor right in the middle of things during the party. He had such a great time!

Connor found out about balloons....and he LOVES them.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome Home Pictures

Boy have things been hectic around here! I sort of "forgot" how a baby can really keep you on your toes! Connor is adjusting well and I think he might be adjusted on his time, he slept from 8:30 laat night until 7:30 this morning, so I take that as a good sign. Travis is loving big brotherhood. The only potential problem is that he sees himself as a third parent at time. LOL Daryle went back to work today, so we will see how this goes. At least we still have grandpa around for another week. I finally got my mom's pictures from the airport and a few from our first day home. Enjoy!

Here is some of our welcoming committee!

Daddy and Connor arriving in Phoenix.

Proud grandpa!

Grandma gets to meet Mr. Connor

Grammy and Connor on Father's Day.

Another proud grandpa with Connor.

I don't seem to have any pictures of Uncle Billy, I will keep looking. He was here, promise! As you can see, we are all loving this new little guy!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Pictures are up and running!

Ok, here are the long awaited pictures! If you click on the photo to the left you will get a slide show with captions. So far Connor is adjusting quite well. Right now his schedule is way off, I hope to have him turned around in the next day or two. Our flights went off without a hitch, everything was on time. Connor was fussy for the first few hours of the first flight, mostly because he was so tired but he could not relax and fall asleep. We did get bulk head seating with a bassinet on the wall, but he never slept in there. He did sit in it and play, it was good to have a place to set things in!! Travis slept for about the last 4-5 hours of the flight (it was 11 hours from Atlanta to Moscow). Connor slept maybe 2 hours total. Mom and dad hardly got any rest either. We met a few families on the plane who also had just adopted and there were a couple of old ladies who took a liking to us. Towards the end of the flight the one lady had her camera out and she was taking pictures of us. She wanted my address so she could send us the pictures. They were so sweet, but I couldn't help feeling like we were being stalked! LOL We got to Atlanta where Connor became a US Citizen! All of the paperwork went smoothly and then we left to catch our flight home. I changed both boys into matching USA t-shirts for the special occasion. We arrived in Phoenix to 4 very excited grandparents and a very proud uncle, along with some other very dear friends(Rose and Gil, you guys are the best!). It was so nice to have a welcoming committee to greet us as we got off of that plane. Connor slept the entire flight from Atlanta, a welcome break except that my arms were about to fall off!

Now we are home and we are all adjusting. Connor is sleeping well, he has already stopped most of the rocking and screaming episodes. He hasn't had even one "fit" since we have arrived here at home. He is SOOO happy, he smiles all the time and is a joy to have in our family. This morning Uncle Billy taught him how to give high-fives and Travis has taught him how to do a fake sneeze! He is a very quick learner! Well, I had better run, lots to do!

We're Home!!

We made it back home safe and sound on Saturday evening. When we got home we tried to turn on the computer and something wasn't right, the monitor wouldn't come on. Well, I guess our motherboard was fried! Talk about bad timing! So, now we have a new computer. I am now on Windows Vista and it is a whole new world. I have pictures to post, but I need to figure out how to get them first. Hopefully by the end of the day you can all see Connor. We are all doing well, still adjusting from jet lag.

More to come, just wanted to let you know we are alive and well!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Last post from Moscow!

Tomorrow we will begin our jouney back home, I am excited yet dreading it all at the same time. I just hope the kids can sleep. I have noticed Connor needs to lay down and get the wiggles out before he can fall asleep, I hope he is able to fall asleep on one of us on the plane. Hopefully he will just pass out. His schedule has been to take a morning and an afternoon nap, so maybe he will sleep in the car on the way to the airport. I will just pack up lots of things to entertain and hope for the best!

We had our appointment at the US Embassy today, that went pretty well. We remember being in that same room almost 5 years ago with Travis. Funny how time seems to stand still at times. I guess you could compare it with giving birth to your children at the same hospital! As we were waiting there Daryle made a friend with a fomer D-backs player...see his facebook page for more info on that one! The guy's wife had an appendectomy in their region in the middle of about a nightmare!! She was back at the hotel while he was at the Embassy. There were lots of families there, one little girl in particular had eyes for Connor!! It was so cute! Her mom said if she could talk she would be asking for his number!! LOL Connor already has a Russian bride! Another mom asked me which orphanage he was from because her daughter kept staring at him like she knew him. They were not from the same one. I am telling you, he has eyes to die for!!! Dr. Boris said we will have to watch out for the girls with BOTH of our boys!! He usually knows what he is talking about.

Connor is doing so well. This morning it only took him 6 minutes to fall asleep for his nap. When he woke up this morning he just stood up and started babbling. He is a sharp one! The baseball player and I were talking about how smart these kids are, it is really amazing to watch. Connor can blow kisses, give kisses, makes all kinds of sound and noises with his mouth, he can hold his bottle and he loves to clap. We have taught him all of these (except for the noises!) this week. You show him once, maybe twice, and he has it down. We finally got baby food yesterday and he gobbles it down like there is no tomorrow! So far he has eaten anything and everything that I have given him. He still loves that bottle. I am anxious to get to the doctor to find out exactly what I should be feeding him and how much. He cries when he finishes his food, like he wants more, but I know he is full because if you distract him into playing he stops crying. As far as his clothing goes, 12 month onesies fit well, but 12 month pants are way too big and the 9 month pants fell off of him as well. Today he is wearing a 9-12 month outfit and it fits perfectly. However, after he fell asleep for his afternoon nap I went to cover him up and he had taken off his pants!!!! Oh my, I have my work cut out for me!! He has taken to all of us and is doing great. I hope it continues once we get home, things will be crazy for the first few weeks.

Travis continues to do well in his new role as a big brother. He informed me this morning that he figures he will have about 3 more will be named Steve Hawes...this kids cracks me up! He went "shopping" yesterday and we spent way too much money for this car with a trailer, but there wasn't much to choose from. He also got a Russian flag and a really cool hat yesterday at Red Square. He loves this hotel, the beds are so comfortable! He knows many of the employees here already (they all know Connor too!) and he has learned "the ropes" of how to get around this hotel. He has already seemed to grow up a lot in just the past few days. He is a great helper and really good with Connor. At times he still wants all of my attention, but that also has to do with the fact that there is not much to do here, especially since Connor takes naps all the time! You also have to do a lot of walking to get anywhere, and that is wearing Travis out. Overall, he has had a good time but I think we are all ready to head back home.

That's if from Russia!! The next post will have long awaited pictures to show!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Red Square

Yeah! We finally made it to Red Square today! When we headed out it was a nice day, a bit windy, cool in the shade yet warm in the sun. Daryle and Travis went to visit Lenin's tomb while Connor slept in the stroller and I held the bags. I have no interest in seeing that guy! Then we all four ate lunch at McDonald's right by Red Square. Connor loves those french fries! We decided to try and take some pictures in Red Square, all of a sudden dark clouds and a cold wind came out of nowhere. We did get a few pictures of us with the kids in front of St. Basil's and we got a stranger to take our picture together as a family. I think it turned out pretty well. Connor began to get a bit cranky so we headed home. We didn't get over to the side of the Kremlin, we needed to head back and feed Connor and put him down for a nap. So, we did just that. We were all laying in bed waiting for him to fall asleep when I heard and odd was Connor trying to take off his diaper!!!! I had to put a onesie on him so he can't do that anymore. As Travis says, "That is one smart baby!" I would have to agree. He does pick up on things quickly! We really have to be on our toes with this one (even more so than with Travis, watch out!). He also realized he can stand up in his crib and was trying to grab the curtains. We later heard him babbling and making all kinds of cute noises so I got out the video camera and tried to record some of it. Well, the light started flashing and he saw it so that ended that. Daryle was getting upset with Travis and I because we were making too much noise so we left and went down to the pool and hot tub. The pool is pretty deep, so not much fun for Travis. We hung out in the hot tub for a bit and we went back to the room, only to make more noise and disturb Mr. now we have been banished to the computer room!!

Daryle went to the US Embassy today and found out where the market is, he says it is really close. We have been going in the wrong direction! When we go back and Connor wakes up (I am sure he will! LOL) we are going to take a trip over there for some baby food. I hope we all get to sleep early tonight. Tomorrow is our last day here and we have our Embassy appointment at 2:00. After that we will be packing up and getting ready for our trip HOME on Saturday! We can hardly wait. After that rainy day yesterday I think we were all beginning to get cabin fever! LOL We are almost out of here!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rainy Day and 3 Dirty Diapers

Today didn't turn out quite like we had planned for, but it still turned out to be a pretty good day. It started raining pretty hard so we decided it would be best to stay inside instead of walking around Moscow with two kids in the rain. Connor has a little cough and of course we always need to keep Travis healthy with his asthma. I don't want him getting sick in Russia or being sick on the plane if I can at all help it! Connor finally had his first poopy diaper at 9 am, then again at 10 am and again at 3 this afternoon. Phew! One of our coordinators came by with some baby food prunes, prune juice and some medicine. Of course he had the first two diapers by the time she got here. We will hold on to the medicine in case we have a problem again later, but we did give him a small amount of the prunes at lunch and then now a bit of prune juice. I think we will leave it at that and see how he does. He has eaten a ton of food so we know what goes in must come out! LOL

We also got Connor to take a morning nap. While he napped Daryle and Travis went down to try out the pool. Well, I guess they keep the pool pretty cold so the two of them ended up in the hot tub! It is all indoor so the rainy day didn't affect much there. I wasn't feeling too well again this morning (I never got sick, thank goodness, just queasy) so I rested while they went to the pool. Since we couldn't go outside we decided to have some lunch here at the hotel while they cleaned our room. There aren't very many choices so we ended up at a fancy restaurant here at the hotel, it was the only one serving lunch. Connor actually ate some pieces of bread and a few french fries. He is so good, he just sat in his high chair the whole time being as cute as can be. He is a very happy baby. Sometimes he will just start crying for no apparent reason, he crawls up in a ball and sort of pounds his head and fists to the ground but when you get a toy or talk to him he stops and starts laughing and smiling. I have noticed that these little "fits" have been less frequent today than yesterday. He will also do this if you take something away from a rock (why is there a big plant in our room with rocks in the pot??), wipes, any type of paper, etc. He also slept very well last night, 10 hours straight! He sometimes will cry in his sleep for about one minute then he stops and goes right back to sleep. When it is time to wake up he just cries a lot and rocks and sort of bangs his head on the sides of the bed (don't worry, it is soft and he can't hurt himself) or on the mattress. I walk over and rub his head and then he looks up at me with the biggest smile ever! I am anxious for him to stop those behaviors, but it takes some time. I know it will come as it did with Travis. Unlike Travis was, Connor loves the bath, highchair, trimming his fingernails, carseat and all types of food. Today we taught Connor how to blow kisses, he is so cute when he does this! He really loves getting kissed on the forehead and he loves to go in for one of those open mouthed kisses that babies love to give. The huge smile that comes across his little face is precious!! It makes every stressful day leading up to this worth every minute and tear! We can't wait for all of you to meet him, he is full of life and his smile and eyes light up the room.

Well, Travis and I need to head back to the room. See you soon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dr. Appointment

Well, it is 12:40 in the afternoon here. We had the dr appt at 9 am, it went very well. He had this big scab looking thing on his arm, the orphanage said it was from his TB vaccination, well Dr. Boris said something was inflamed and that the scab thing was "like a stone" so we had to have it removed. Basically he put something on it that loosened it so he could just pull it right off. Well, it was bleeding and he was screaming of course, so now it is bandaged up. That cost 1000 rubles just for that! Travis got to meet him and that was cool because it was the same doctor that saw Travis in 2004. We told Dr Boris he had met Travis before so he talked with him. He asked him his favoirite sport and before answering Travis said, "What is your favorite?" He is such a character! Then Travis said boxing!!! I don't know where he comes up with these things sometimes!! We wanted to get a picture with him, but they were really busy and then I started to not feel well....thank goodness I made it to a bathroom this time! I don't know why I got sick. My stomach wasn't feeling all that great after breakfast, I thought I was just nervous. Then, the dr office was really hot, then I had to help hold him down for that whole scab removal thing and then I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I am on my second 7-Up now, I am not sure how much better I am feeling. I got the lucky task of staying back at the room with both boys while Daryle went to take care of Connor's passport. That didn't go too well, the plan was for Connor to sleep but as I type this Daryle and Travis are in the room trying to get him to sleep. I just keep thinking how in the last 24 hours how his little life has been turned upsidedown! One reason I couldn't get Connor down was that Travis "wanted to play". He is having a hard time understanding that babies need to SLEEP! Not to mention, Connor woke up at 5 this morning! He fell asleep in the car each time to and from the dr, but only for about 5-10 minutes, so we know he is exhausted. He is used to taking 2 naps, so his schedule has been changed quite a bit.

For some good news, I saw a big store that I plan on going to later this afternoon in hopes it has some baby food that I can buy for Connor. I have been to two stores and have not been able to find what I am looking for.

Other than that, things are going fine over here. We are still adjusting from the flight I think, I am sure once we are used to it we will be headed back home to start all over again!!

I wish I could post pictures, however, we aren't supposed to until we have him home with us in the US. Second, I don't have the software to download with me, I am not sure that Mariott would like me downloading this on their computers anyway! Be patient, once we get home I will have plenty to post!! The camera has been getting a good workout! LOL

Monday, June 15, 2009

Questions and Answers

Hi all!My mom sent an e-mail with questions so I answered them. Thought you all might like to know.

1. Is he walking? Not on his own, he is dying to though! He will walk if you hold his hands, his balance is really bad, he just falls right down on his butt!
2. Is he clearly not sick? He is better, but still has a cough. He just cut another tooth so he is drooling a lot, runny nose and I thin k some crankiness from it.
3. Do you think he recognized you?Not sure, he seemed to and then he started crying, it didn't last very long.
4. Did you get the tour of the orphanage? No, we went downstairs to get him, we weren't really allowed to go anywhere else. We weren't there very long, longer than with Travis but I would say less than an hour total.
5. Did Travis give him a hug? Yes. Any pictures of that 1st meeting? Travis was dying to hold him! He got to hold him on the steps outside the orphanage and I got two pictures, the first one is so cute, their expressions are great!!
6. Did they take your picture as you dressed him? Daryle did.

7. How is his sleeping? The jury is still out on sleeping. I took Travis out and Daryle got him down for a nap, it was not easy. He was so tired, and would fall asleep, then as he would put him down he would cry again. His cry is so sad, it is kind of squeaky, hoarse sounding, and it sounds like he is just so sad. Finally he went to sleep. So now Daryle is with him trying to do it again, I just fed him his bottle (he LOVES that and cries when he is done) and I took Travis with me to the computers, he is playing webkinz. We went to dinner at TGI Fridays and we all did very well.

Tomorrow we get picked up at 8:15 for the doctor appointment. Wish us luck! I just hope we all get some sleep tonight!

We are now a family of 4!!

I can't believe we are now a family of 4!! No turning back now! LOL There is so much to say but I don't have too much time because Travis and I need to head out to the store. We are calling this his "Russian Adventure", going to the store will be just that. When we got to the orphanage they asked if I wanted to dress him, so Daryle and I went downstairs to get him while Travis stayed upstairs with Alla and visited. Once I started dressing him he began to cry, it broke my heart. I could tell the lady who handed him over to us was getting a little choked up and she was telling Connor this is your Mama and Papa now. That was enough to get me, but when he puckerd up his little lip and began crying my tears started up! Then another lady came by and was telling him good bye too. I could tell the people there really do seem to care about the children and it is bittersweet when they have to say good bye to them.

The 12 month outfit I brought fits him pretty well, the pants are slightly too long but we just roll them up. He is bigger than Travis was when we brought him home, which is what I figured. We took some pictures at the orphanage and then we had to go get his passport picture taken and Daryle had to go fill out paper work for his passport. Daryle goes back tomorrow and finishes that up. When we got to the room we all played together for a bit. Connor has taken to all of us, but he really has taken to Travis. He loves his big brother!! We fed him a bit and finally I got him to figure out how a bottle works. Well, he LOVES that bottle!! He downed a whole bottle of formula, which is good. Now Travis and I need to head out to get some baby food. Now that I know he pretty much eats anything I know what to get!

On another note, our driver is so wonderful with Travis. They have been having so much fun together because sometimes we have to wait for things. Today he let Travis explore his car, kind of scary, but he didn't seem to mind.

Well, off to the store. I am also hoping to find a good place to eat tonight. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers, things are going pretty well so far. Now, if we can only get Connor to sleep we will be in good shape! Daryle is with him now, of course I got him to eat so now he should sleep, I am sure Daryle will take all the credit on that one! LOL Now, Travis and I are off for an adventure!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

We made it!!

UPDATE: We just found out we will be picked up at 8:30 tomorrow morning to get Connor!! We are so excited!!!
Well, we made it to Moscow! Everything went fairly smoothly. Travis was an excellent traveler, he did great! Our flight from Atlanta left an hour and a half late because they had to replace a part on the plane....not sure, but we sat on the plane and waited. We were so glad to get off of that plane! However, before we could get off of the plane they had people from the health department (or something like that) who came through and took all of our temperatures before we were aloud to get off of the plane! This Swine Flu thing is crazy! Several people came down the aisles wearing not only masks but these crazy outfits as if we were all contagious with something deadly. Then they had these things with a lazer type red beam and they pointed it at you and then moved on. I have no idea what would happen if somebody had a fever, thank goodness we were all ok! Right now we are checking out the hotel, it is absolutely beautiful. We are trying to stay up for a bit before crashing in bed. We will be leaving early tomorrow morning to pick up Connor, we are all so excited!! Travis is taking it all in, we are so glad we decided to bring him. I am sure tomorrow I will have much more to write about.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Life as we know it is about to change!!

Oh my gosh, we are so excited to leave for Russia tomorrow morning! We leave bright and early at 7 am, so we will get up around 4 am to begin the journey. We fly to Atlanta, have a 2 1/2 hour lay over and then leave Atlanta for Moscow. We will arrive at 11 am on Sunday morning. On Monday morning we will go get Connor and our family will change forever! It is exciting yet terrifying all at the same time!! (In a good way, of course!) Travis is so ready to be a big brother and I do believe we are ready for another child in our family. In some ways it has been a long road yet in other ways it seems like it has gone so quickly. It just took SOOOO long to get Travis home that I think anything else seems "easy" in comparison. Connor was for sure meant to be in our family, there is no mistake about that!

We did have some exciting news this week....Travis finally lost one of his top teeth!! The big one is pushing right through the top. This was a big deal at our house! It is so hard to take pictures of this, but I did my best. My little baby boy is growing up so fast, it is a very good thing I have another one coming up so I don't get too sad! Travis also finished swimming lessons today, he has made such great progress from last year. We are so proud of him.

Well, I need to get the car seat in the car, pack bags for Travis and myself, take the dog to Grammy and Grandpa's (thanks so much for that, we know you still love your first "grandbaby Rock" too! Hopefully he will catch those cats hanging out in your backyard, or at least scare them away for awhile! LOL) and then try and get a good nights sleep. Yeah, right, I know, but it is worth a good try anyway!

Next time we will be in Russia!!!!! WOOHOO!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Have passport, will travel!

Hip, hip, hurray!! Travis' US passport came today. I wasn't expecting it until tomorrow or even Thursday. He is so darn excited about going with us, he can hardly stand it. Travis is slightly upset that I moved his car seat/booster seat to the other side of the car. Connor needs to be on the other side so I can get him in and out easily. Travis can get himself in and out without help so I had to move him. We told him this was the "big brother side" of the car and it was more special because now he gets to be on the driver side of the car. He is taking it pretty well, but has his moments. We have talked about it for months so he could start preparing mentally for this change. It is funny how the little things sometimes can be a really big deal to kids! I cleaned out the car yesterday, I even got out upholstery cleaner and cleaned the seats and floor mats (Travis had done some damage there!) and I also put the cover of Travis' car seat in the washer. Now it is just like new! I don't think I went through this "nesting" phase with Travis because when we brought him home we had just moved back to AZ from Memphis and since our house wasn't built yet we were living with my mom and dad. This non stop cleaning is wearing me out!! Quick, somebody get me on that plane to Moscow!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

This is so funny! (Well, to me anyway!)

I just found this really funny blog at They are adopting from Russia too and I have been laughing so hard I have tears running down my face! You have to read what she wrote about "Russian Money Laundering" because it is SO TRUE!! I could totally relate. Enjoy!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Graduation Pictures

Well, as promised here are some pictures from Travis' Kindergarten graduation. Here he is in his outfit, boy does he look like a "big kid" here!Here he is with Grammy.

Now we are posing with Grandpa, aka Red Truck Grandpa.
Here we are with Grandpa aka GrammyGrandpa, or lately, Grampy!

The grandparents took Travis out to dinner, his choice....none other than McDonald's of course!! Since we have one super close to us I am sure they all knew where they were headed before they even asked him!
This is Travis with his teacher, Mrs. Standage. They had a great year together. She took extra special care of him while Mommy was out of the country. Thanks Mrs. Standage, we love you!!

This was the one quick shot of the evening, Travis getting his diploma for completing Kindergarten. Evidentally camera batteries were dying for Grammy and Red Truck Grandpa, fortunately GrammyGrandpa was on the ball and got this quick shot of him getting his certificate. Thanks!!

This is Travis showing off his certificate with a very proud Grammy.
As you can see, it was a very fun evening! Daryle and I were so sad to miss it, but at least we have some great pictures and videos to last a lifetime. Congratulations Mr. Travis Hawes!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Little Graduate

With all of the craziness of being in Russia, I realized I forgot to write about Travis' Kindergarten Graduation! He "graduated" last Wednesday, we are really bummed that we missed it. However, we have such wonderful grandparents who were able to take pictures and some video of the whole thing. (Now if we could only figure out how to access some of it... ;-) ) Anyway, I had to post some pictures of the exciting event. My baby boy is growing up so fast! It's probably a good thing I wasn't there, I would have been crying buckets! I have some pictures I am trying to upload from his special day, but I am having technical difficulties. Until then, this will have to do! I love this picture and will cherish it always.