Monday, June 22, 2009

Pictures are up and running!

Ok, here are the long awaited pictures! If you click on the photo to the left you will get a slide show with captions. So far Connor is adjusting quite well. Right now his schedule is way off, I hope to have him turned around in the next day or two. Our flights went off without a hitch, everything was on time. Connor was fussy for the first few hours of the first flight, mostly because he was so tired but he could not relax and fall asleep. We did get bulk head seating with a bassinet on the wall, but he never slept in there. He did sit in it and play, it was good to have a place to set things in!! Travis slept for about the last 4-5 hours of the flight (it was 11 hours from Atlanta to Moscow). Connor slept maybe 2 hours total. Mom and dad hardly got any rest either. We met a few families on the plane who also had just adopted and there were a couple of old ladies who took a liking to us. Towards the end of the flight the one lady had her camera out and she was taking pictures of us. She wanted my address so she could send us the pictures. They were so sweet, but I couldn't help feeling like we were being stalked! LOL We got to Atlanta where Connor became a US Citizen! All of the paperwork went smoothly and then we left to catch our flight home. I changed both boys into matching USA t-shirts for the special occasion. We arrived in Phoenix to 4 very excited grandparents and a very proud uncle, along with some other very dear friends(Rose and Gil, you guys are the best!). It was so nice to have a welcoming committee to greet us as we got off of that plane. Connor slept the entire flight from Atlanta, a welcome break except that my arms were about to fall off!

Now we are home and we are all adjusting. Connor is sleeping well, he has already stopped most of the rocking and screaming episodes. He hasn't had even one "fit" since we have arrived here at home. He is SOOO happy, he smiles all the time and is a joy to have in our family. This morning Uncle Billy taught him how to give high-fives and Travis has taught him how to do a fake sneeze! He is a very quick learner! Well, I had better run, lots to do!

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