Sunday, October 25, 2009


Well, I have a little problem and I am hoping and praying it will be resolved by next weekend. For some reason I am not able to upload any pictures from my camera..... AAAHHHHH!!! With Halloween being next weekend I had better figure out what in the world has happened. I have shut down and restarted my computer several times today and it still isn't working. Did Connor push something on the computer? Is there a problem with my USB cable? Is there a problem with my brand new computer? Is it my camera? In camera years I guess it is getting old. Don't worry, I will figure something out. I will figure it out in between working, planning fun activities for the week at school, carving pumpkins, memorizing a story for my "storytelling assignment" for class, reading 5 more novels, writing up reviews for 20 more children's books, grading papers, yelling at the dog, keeping my husband in line, cleaning the house, chasing after my own children and doing homework. Don't worry, I will figure this camera thing out!!!

How many more days until another two weeks off from school????

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