Friday, February 26, 2010

We are baaaack!

I think this is the first time in my life I can remember being so thankful for February to LEAVE! I know there are still two days left, but I will take my chances and hope that March will be much better in our household. We spent enough time in hospitals, emergency rooms and doctor offices to last us the rest of the year! Last Friday I found I could no longer fight the germ fest that had been haunting the family and I ended up at the doctor's office myself. I left with a prescription for an antibiotic and I was on my way. So far, so good. To top it off, this coming Tuesday will be my last night with the weird Human Development teacher. We think he is a pathological liar. He is an odd duck that is for sure! After this class I will only have 4 more until I graduate! Hip, hip, hurray!

Now, onto the boys. Here they are smiling away. Finally, happy, HEALTHY children in my house!

Aren't they cute? Of course this is when everybody is happy and content. The other 23 hours and 50 minutes of the day remain to be discussed! lol I think it is safe to say everything is back to normal around here.

Travis has one soccer game left next Friday and then the soccer banquet. Tonight they had their first baseball practice. Daryle is in his element for sure! He loves coaching and baseball is his passion. From what I could see he did a great job.... I had the task of entertaining a very busy 20 month old all over the playground. It felt like a work out actually! I don't know how many practices I will make it to, I think I might have to hire a babysitter. Seriously though, Connor has no fear and I think I had at least 10 heart attacks... and that was just in the first 3o minutes of practice! I have my work cut out for me that's for sure. The best part was when he gave me kisses with those cute lips and BIG hugs. Suddenly the running around after him was all worth it!

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