First things first. It wouldn't be April and the official start to the baseball season without a VIP tour of Chase Field, now would it? Here is Travis down in the dugout for the Diamondbacks. We love our team!!

Here is Travis holding a press conference after the "big game"! haha!

Yes, Connor finally got his hair cut. He is losing that "baby" look. I got the mullet cut off. Sigh. Not that I like mullets, I don't, I just don't like cutting his hair because it grows sort of funny. Here are a couple of views. I think it turned out pretty cute actually.

Here is a view of the back.

Last Saturday began the never-ending-birthday-party-weekend for the newest 7 year old in our house. We let him invite some friends to go to the bowling alley for his party. Everybody had a wonderful time! If you are looking for a party where all you have to do is show up and bring a cake I highly recommend it. They took care of it all and the kids were entertained the entire time. This is the first time Travis actually invited friends from school. Here are the ones who were able to come. You can tell from the looks of them that they all have "personality", they sure are cute! (I am bracing myself for next year when they will all be headed my way to 2nd grade.... YIKES!!!) But really, they are such nice kids.

Here is another shot, along with one of his "oldest" friends Jack. He fit right in with all of the kiddos!

Here is Travis with the girls that were invited. They were few, but from the smiles they all had a great time. Kylie is our neighbor and has been to all of Travis' parties. I can hardly believe that Kylie and Travis were both babies when we all moved in!

What is a party without a Sponge bob cake?

Yes, this is how he sat while we all sang to him. Is he a ham or what?

On Sunday Daddy took Travis to Wrestlemania. This was supposed to be a present for Travis.... I wonder. Daddy bought these tickets ages ago, I think in November which is around his birthday! There were TONS of people there that night and they had an awesome time.

Monday was Travis' official birthday when he became 7 years old. I can hardly believe it. Time is just flying by! Grandma and Grandpa from California got him this new bike. It is a little big, but fortunately Travis grows like a weed and will grow into it in no time at all. He loves riding it and actually can handle it better than I though he would.

At school Travis got a birthday crown from his teacher. He wore it all day. He wore it at home. He wore it to dinner. He would have worn it to bed if it wasn't so big. He looked super cute in it too!

He got to sit in the saddle at dinner while everybody yelled "Yee Haw!". He loved every minute of it.

And being the great big brother that he is he also gave Connor a turn to sit on the saddle. The funniest part of this crown was at dinner that night. I don't know if you can tell or not, but the hat says, "Travis 7" on the front. Well, the waitress asked if it was his birthday and he said yes. She asked how old he was and Travis replied politely , "Look at my hat, it says 7, you don't even need to ask me!" Well, he sure told all of us! It was pretty cute.

When we got home Travis decided to show off his "belt" and poster from Wrestlemania the night before. He came out growling and snarling. I have never heard him make those noises before. We were all cracking up laughing, you can sort of see his snarl on his face here. He is so funny..... oh and this is his "exercise shirt" because it is sleeveless! Where does he get this stuff?

Now we have a new guest at our house. Flat Emily has come to visit from California. We had to dress her. I started it and somebody just *had* to help decorate her clothes and make her hat. We need to add a little something. She is a work in progress. We are excited to show her around town this weekend! Good thing it is Easter, we have lots to do for sure. I can hardly believe it is April already. We are excited to celebrate Connor's first Easter at home. I wonder what he will think of the Easter Bunny?? As long as toys and candy are involved I am willing to bet he loves it. HAPPY EASTER!!
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