Ahhh! I have finally emerged, like a groundhog, out from under a pile of books and papers to check out the rest of the world! This past week I finished my Educational Research class. WooHoo!! Out of all my classes, that one was one of the more demanding ones. That coupled along with taking an online course resulted in me feeling like I missed most of September! But alas, I survived and am here to tell the story. On a side note my grade was posted today... another A! So far I have had all A's, hopefully the trend will continue and I will get an A in my last class. No pressure or anything though!
Oops... earlier in the month Grammy celebrated her birthday... 39 I do believe... and this cute picture resulted. They have so much fun together! Happy Birthday Grammy!! XOXO (It's a good thing I came out from those books to post this or I would have been in some serious trouble! LOL)

Even with our crazy week on I was able to snap a few pictures of the boys. I don't want to jinx anything, but they have actually been having more *moments* where they have been getting along and actually having F U N together! The other night Travis called out for me and asked me to bring my camera. (They are both quite comfortable with the camera...I have created two monsters. ;-)) Of course he was right, it was a perfect Kodak moment! Travis was playing a game on his DS and Connor was watching him. They actually stayed like this for over ten minutes... pure bliss for us! (They are pretty cute though!)

Just before bedtime we took some more shots. I love this one because they are both showing their cute teeth.

Next week is Halloween. I am not sure how Connor is going to do. We tried on his costume the other day and he pitched quite a fit! Hopefully on Halloween it will go much smoother! We are all keeping busy around here. The kids are growing and changing every day. This past week I took Connor in for another eye exam. Everything continues to be a-okay, phew! Hopefully he will never develop glaucoma. Thank goodness we have a doctor who likes to stay on top of these types of things so that if he does show any signs we will be able to treat it early. I will be glad when he is older and we don't have to go under anesthesia anymore. We are excited that my brother will be here from Seattle next weekend for a quick visit. I am sure after that I will have tons of pictures to post. Until then, Happy Halloween!!!
We have a love/hate relationship with Halloween at our house. Seems like everyone is excited until they actually have to wear the $$costume they HAD to have. hehe Hope you guys have a good one!
Happy 39th Birthday Aunt Peggy!! Congrats on surviving your class AND getting an A. Yay hooray!
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