There are no pictures of my kids on this post. You will thank me when I tell you why. This morning I was cleaning up the kitchen and Connor asked me for a mint. I had some on the counter, they were in a round can, Sour Ice Breakers to be specific. He really likes them but I always limit him to one at a time/per day. So, I obliged and gave him one. I noticed when I put the container up that it was pretty full. I wondered where this can had been hiding to still have so many mints left. I was pretty sure that it had arrived in a Christmas stocking. Anyway, I put the can up and went on my way. Just like I always do. I went back to my bedroom to finish getting ready. I was just about done when Travis comes into my room holding an empty can in his hands. He proceeds to tell me that he took it from Connor because he was eating the mints. OH MY GOSH! I froze for a moment as I pictured Connor stuffing the entire contents of mints in his mouth. I said, where did all of the mints go?? Travis had a blank stare, he had no idea how full the can had been before he caught Connor with it. Travis and I quickly walked down the hallway and into the family room where Connor was nicely watching TV. I said to Connor, "Did you eat all of these mints?" Connor looked at me with that cute smile and said, "No." In return I said, "Well then, where did they go?" For a moment I hoped that he had dumped them out and put them under the couch or something. Then Connor energetically shouts, "They are all in my TUMMY!" My jaw hit the floor. I didn't even bother with a time out. I told Daryle that Connor was going to pay for this eventually. All of those mints have to come out some way, so we might as well let him enjoy his TV for now. We told him that was a bad choice and that he should NEVER do that again. He just kept smiling. A few hours later Daryle had put him down for a nap. We could hear him playing so Daryle went in to check on him. Daryle yelled for me to come quick. Uh-oh, I thought. Here we go. Sure enough, diarrhea was on the quilt, sheets, pillow pet (on side note, those wash well in the washer and dryer) and the carpet on the floor by his bed. He was an absolute mess. I cleaned up the disaster in his room while Daryle stripped him down and gave him a bath. We made SURE he knew what caused this.... those MINTS!! Poor guy had diarrhea on and off for an hour or so. I really hope he learned his lesson. (Why oh why does Connor always have to learn the hard way??) The only downfall, he now knows what Peptobismal for Kids tastes like and thinks it's YUMMY! I let him look at the bottle for a minute, afterall it has a "childproof" lock on it. Within seconds he had it opened up. Tomorrow I am putting all medications in a locked box. And note to Santa, NO MORE MINTS FOR CONNOR!
Sorry you had to clean that mess up. But, hopefully it was a lesson well learned. :)
Oh, Lisa, I'm so sorry for all of you. Not fun.
No way - I don't believe it. He would never do something like that! LOL Funny story!
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