Don't worry, I am almost caught up from our California summer adventure! Last Friday we went to Sonoma and met my Aunt Mary Ann at Train Town. We had a wonderful time! Before we left the boys had to have some soccer time together!
Back when Travis was 3 we took him to Train Town. This was during his obsession with Thomas the train. Connor likes trains too, but not nearly as much as his big brother. However, it is a fun little place and I knew that Travis would still enjoy it too. While we were waiting the kids got to climb through some old train cars. Here is Travis sitting up high in this chair.
Connor enjoyed sitting on the train rides. He was ok with just sitting and climbing on them, no need to put in any quarters!
Here are Connor and I getting ready for our ride!
Here we are with Aunt Mary Ann.
Uncle Billy and Travis had to ride up front. I think Travis feels like he is driving it if he sits up close like that!
Once the train reached our destination we got out to look around. On one side there is a petting zoo and the other side has these cute little buildings. I thought we had as much time as we wanted. Oops. We were only there for about 15 minutes then we had to load up and head back. The last time we saw the animals. This time we went in the buildings. I like the building tour better myself! Look- they found a jail!!
Travis is teaching school in the school house! It looks like Connor and Uncle Billy are deep in thought....
Riding on an old fashioned fire truck.
After our return trip on the train Travis wanted to check out some rides. I tried to get Connor to ride on the plane but he was just too scared. Connor? Scared? It must be something to do with turning 3. I have never known him to be "scared" of much. I am sort of glad to see a little fear set in with him though.
Another carousel ride! Riding the carousel is becoming a favorite of Connor's!
After all of that excitement we went to lunch at Mary's Pizza Shack. I wish I could say my boys were "angels".... however, I won't tell you how many pictures I took until we got this cute one of the boys with my aunt! I think they were on overload by this point in the vacation. Sorry Mary Ann! Hopefully the next time we see you we will be able to have a more enjoyable eating experience! LOL
Here is a picture of the happy bunch!
All in all it was a lot of fun! It was so nice of my aunt to meet us there, she really made the day special! After this we went home and just "chilled out" so to speak. A relaxing ending to a fun filled day!
What a fun trip! You got so many great pictures, but I think my favorite is the one of Travis holding Connor after not seeing him for a week. Cute.
I still think the coincidences (if we want to call them that...) of you and your friend are neat.
This makes me scared to even attempt blogging about Utah.
It was fun hanging out yesterday. Thanks for inviting us.
I enjoyed seeing the boys so much. They are growing so fast and so much fun! Looking forward to our next adventure.
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