Saturday, August 13, 2011

Family Fun

I just picked up my camera to look at the pictures Daryle took last night and realized I forgot about our fun last Saturday.  For the last year or so Daryle has been taking Travis to Home Depot on the first Saturday of the month to make a craft project.  In June I took Connor and Travis to make our Father's Day presents.  Last Saturday all four of us went together. It definitely takes two adults for this chaos!  lol  Here are the boys with their cute aprons before we left the house.
 Travis is very carefully hammering nails in his pencil box.
 Connor doesn't like loud noise.  (Unless of course the noise is coming from him!)  I wanted to cover my ears too. Picture about 40 kids hammering away all at the same time....  At least he still had a smile on his face!

 Yes, Travis knows how to work the camera.
 Decorating their boxes with stickers.
 Who's that??!!  Oh, Big Daddy doing some painting and having a blast.
 Connor's completed pencil box.  I guess I didn't get a picture of Travis'. His turned out cute too!
 Very proud Connor.
 Cool Kid. I think he is trying to flash an ASU sign or something...

I am so glad Travis is now in second grade. I really want him to develop a love of reading and learning. He likes to learn, but hasn't found his niche yet as far as reading goes. Needless to say it is like pulling teeth to get him to pick up a book and read. This year part of his homework is to read every night, write it down in the reading log, and turn it in on Friday. If this is not completed, no afternoon recess on Friday. You will be in the classroom reading. This has inspired him to do his reading. There is still a small battle, but not as bad as it used to be.  One day this week I told him to read something to Connor. So, he took Connor's favorite books out side and started reading to him. I tried to get some shots, but it is kind of hard through the glass!  (Also, don't mind our falling apart swing set.... the summer heat around here really takes a toll on things! Even the cute green awning has torn and blown away... If it got cold around here I would say we would use it for firewood soon... but we don't even have a fireplace!)  Needless to say, I hope Travis continues reading to Connor, it is so sweet to watch!
Connor is going to his own preschool/day care now. He must be working on the color yellow.  I was just impressed that he did a good job coloring in the lines!! (It's the little things that make me proud!)
 Last night Daryle took Travis to the  Rattlers game.  They are the local arena football team.  They played in the arena bowl "Superbowl" last night. As Travis informed me when he got home... "they lost by a hair mom!"

Today all four of us will be attending a Diamondback's game.  I am pretty excited because Connor is doing so much better with these things.  I have low expectations which hopefully will lead to a wonderful evening!  (Keeping my fingers crossed!  lol)

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

I keep telling myself that I'll take Clara to one of those workshops at The Home Depot. Someday. :)

Connor does color in the lines well! I still don't know if Clara is up to that level yet.