Sunday, November 20, 2011

Funny Answers

It's hard to believe that this is my 15th year teaching. It's a good thing I love it!  I was just grading some reading tests this afternoon and I started cracking up at some of the answers.  Keep in mind that I teach second graders.  This week we read a story about visiting a Firehouse so all week we have been talking about firefighters, etc.  The question on the test read, "Would you like to be a firefighter? Why or why not?"  Many of them said no because it was too hard. Here are some of the ones that grabbed my attention , some of them gave me a chuckle:

"Yes, because I would like to have a dog named Spot."
"Yes, because I would like to sleep in the firehouse."
"Yes, because I would like to save a little baby from the fire." 
"I would because it's a hard job so I think you will get paid more."
"No, because fighting in the war would be WAY harder."

The comment about the war brought a tear to my eye.  I can tell you one thing, when you teach every day is different. They really keep you on your toes.  It has been fun this year learning how to use the SmartBoard, Document camera, and responders.  It is a lot and can be overwhelming (for me, not the kids!) at times but in the long run it is really exciting.  I am so curious to see what this generation is able to invent because of the technology they are growing up with today.  I watch both of my kids with the iTouch and am shocked.  Connor can use it just as well as Travis, and he is only 3!  And both of them can use it better than me!  lol

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