Last night Daryle and Travis got to something pretty cool. Season Ticket holders got a chance to have a sleepover at Chase Field! Now before you think "Why didn't Lisa and Connor go?" I will tell you why. First of all I think Connor is too young to stay up until 1 am. He is no fun when he is over-tired. Can you say, "Meltdown??" Secondly, sleeping on the field with 400 of my nearest and dearest didn't really sound like "fun" to me. Right now the two boys are sleeping away. It is 11 am. I will let them sleep one more hour before I start waking them up. I have been nosing around at the pictures Daryle took and they sure had a wonderful time!
Here was Travis. He packed his own bags. He did a good job. Too bad his dad didn't do as good.... Daryle forgot his pillow!
Ok, ok. So this part would have been totally worth it... .swimming in the pool out by the bleachers! The schedule said they would take 35 people at a time for 20 min at a time. I guess Travis and his friend waited until after 10 to swim so there was nobody waiting in line to swim. They got to swim for longer than 20 minutes. Good for them!
After swim time was snack time. Cold Stone Creamery, my favorite!
This was the morning wake up call. At 6 am they started opening up the roof. We have seen this many times before. But laying on the field, looking up and being awakened by this must have been pretty awesome!
Travis got in a morning run around the bases.
Checking out the dugout. He looks pretty at home there!
I did get a little bit of information out of them before they passed out cold! They had a really great time. I think in a few years Daryle can take both boys. It's kind of like camping. We don't camp so this is as close as it's going to get .... for now anyway!
What fun!!! Next year I want to go!!!
That sounds like a lot of fun - for them. :) I agree with you, not my kind of "fun". I actually can't even really imagine sleeping with 400 strangers.
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