Monday, September 3, 2012

Security Kid

Evidently Season Ticket holders are eligible for some fun little perks during the Diamondback's games.  This year Daryle found out that Travis could have a chance to be a Security Kid for a game.  We were given free tickets for some awesome seats so that we could watch Travis do his job.  We ended up giving those tickets to my parents.  (Earlier in the season we tried sitting in some of these seats with Connor and let's just say we weren't able to stay there the whole time.)  So Connor and I took a pass on this one.  We could have gone but we would not have been able to watch Travis anyway so I didn't quite see the point. I knew Daryle would take pictures so it would *almost* be like I was there.  Here is Travis on the field between innings with the real Security Officer.
 I can only imagine the amount of questions Travis must have been asking him. (He has a minimum of 20 questions per thought in his head these days!)
 This is where Travis got to watch the game.  They gave him a helmet "just in case".  Phew!
This is one picture Daryle took... just to remember this was how close he was to the players.  I guess they could even hear the umpire, catchers and batters all talking to each other. I am not sure who was more excited about all of this, Travis or Daryle.  lol
 Travis was looking to see who was on the Jumbo tron. Nope, it wasn't him this time!
 During the Legends Race this was where Travis got to watch them.  From what I heard he was also getting tons of high fives from the Padres players during the game. What a lucky, lucky kid!!
This just happened to also be a Sunday game.  On Sunday's kids get to run the bases after the game. Well, if you are the Security Kid you get to lead all of the kids running the bases.

 Oh, did I mention it was also Bark in the Park Day? (In other words, bring your dog to the game day.)  Travis always loves this day since he is such a dog lover.  I have been told that next year we will be bringing  Petey to this game.  Umm, ok.
I think the day was a success!

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

What a fun experience for Travis... AND Daryle. :) I'm pretty sure Jason would have loved something like that no matter if it was as a boy or an adult.