Monday, June 17, 2013

June 15, 2013

Well this day sure didn't go the way we had planned!  Travis and Daryle had spent the night at Chase Field and were on their way home when they got hit in an intersection not far from our house.  We are so thankful it was not worse than this! Daryle is a little sore but the boys were just fine. Shaken up but fine.  Thank goodness!  On top of that, it was Connor's 5th birthday. They were on their way home so that we could begin the celebration. Connor was patiently waiting for them to get home so he could open up his gifts.  Once we got everybody home it was time to celebrate Mr. Connor.
  He wanted a firetruck.
And a Golden Power Ranger costume.
Uncle Billy sent him a cute backpack.
And he got the scooter he was DYING to get for his birthday.
He looks like a big kid...
His request after this horrific morning... Mom, can I have breakfast in bed please??  Of course!
Uncle Rob sent a cool gift too.
Grammy and Grandpa came through with a Flashlight Pet.  (Look at those eye lashes... people pay MONEY for those things!! lol)
One happy boy! Next stop, Chuck E. Cheese!
Yes, he went here two years in a row. He really likes Chuck E.

Even though this day started off rough, Connor had a great birthday.  He got to see his friends, he got all of the things he asked for, and we were all able to be there because nobody was seriously injured in the accident.  Now we wait to hear if it is totaled or can be repaired. For now I am driving a huge rental car. It has a DVD player in it which is a novelty for my boys.  Happy 5th Birthday Connor!  We love you so very, very much! Here's to many more... may they be less eventful than birthday #5!!

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