Saturday, June 4, 2011

Can we build it? Yes we can!

Yesterday we finally had a day where we didn't have to go anywhere or do anything. Days like that are very far and few in our family. So when Travis asked if we could put his clubhouse together I thought, well, ok, since you have been waiting since Christmas I guess today is a good choice!  I have been putting it off because I knew this would be a several hour project and I didn't want to start and then have to leave thus creating a huge mess. Plus, I figured we would have some days like this once summer came along.  When I said yes my boys ran and put on their "hard hats" and we were ready to go!
I have to say this was a pretty fun project.  It came with all of the needed parts, including the tools.  My boys loved it.  The directions were fairly easy to follow. I have put together some toys with difficult instructions and these ones were not bad at all.  It took us about 4 hours, lunch break included.  Connor held it together pretty well even though he really wanted to use that screwdriver!  I let him "help" but then he wanted to take over!  I don't think we had any meltdowns until at least 3 hours into the project. Not bad!
 Here is Travis hard at work. Since I had to help quite a bit there aren't many "work in progress" pictures.
 Finished product!  Travis wanted to add his own special touches. He made some stars and stripes on his flag and added numbers to the "clock".  He even tried building some shelves inside with some extra pieces. I am not sure how that turned out, but he had fun in there anyway. Now they have it set up so that Connor drives by a window on his bike and they pretend it is a drive through.  Funny boys!
So far we are enjoying our summer. The next three weeks will be busy with swim lessons, basketball camp and baseball camp. Then we will have a few weeks to relax before school starts again. If only I could freeze time! These boys are growing up so fast. Yesterday we were looking at pictures from two years ago when we went to pick up Connor. I am amazed at how fast the time has gone by. I had to laugh at Connor though.  We have been talking about Russia lately so it has been on  his mind. More than once he has told me, "Mom, when I was a little kid I lived in Russia!"  Umm, Connor, I hate to tell you this, but in two weeks you are only turning 3!  I wonder how old he thinks he is??!!  


Grammy said...

Hey! That kid cabin turned out pretty good! Nice work boys!

mad white woman said...

What a great idea for a toy.

I laughed when Connor said that at your mom's about him living in Russia when he was little.

Mary Ann said...

The cabin looks somewhat permanent. Where will you keep it?

Lisa said...

Mary Ann,
Well, Travis keeps moving it all over the house! LOL I am going to move things around in the "play room" so that it stays in one place. They are having fun with it!

Mary Ann said...

I keep meaning to tell you--I love the pics of the boys at the beginning of your blog.