Thursday, June 16, 2011

Staying Busy

Where is the time going??  With two very active boys I have to keep things busy around here.  We don't have every minute of the day planned, however, the past two weeks have been jammed packed.  Every year we do swimming lessons at the same place and Travis has been doing basketball camp at our local high school. This year they fell in the exact same two weeks.  That means we have been going non-stop.  Today was our last day for both swim lessons and basketball.  Next week Travis will just have baseball camp and then the rest of our summer we can just go where the wind blows us.  I am looking forward to that!  Here are some of the highlights of our past week.
Connor loves playing with his playdough. I let him mix some of the colors, he seems to like it that way. Of course this makes Travis upset. He doesn't like his colors mixed.  He can be on the OCD side sometimes.. I have NO idea where he gets it from.  (haha! Probably me...!)  Also, Connor has decided he likes to hang out around the house without his shirt on.  Funny kid!
Travis has been having fun playing some video games between basketball camp and then swimming lessons. It has been some good down time for him.
We can't forget my "oldest son", Rock. He is hanging in there.  He loves these boys even though sometimes I think they tire him out!
Here is Travis doing one of the skills at camp.  Just look at that concentration!
Getting ready to shoot...
My iTouch has come in REALLY handy lately.  I found some applications that are easy for Connor to use and are very entertaining.  This is what he has been doing in between running away from me to use the bathroom in the gym and/or just running away from me in general. LOL All kidding aside, he actually did pretty well. It is encouraging to think I may be able to enjoy Travis' basketball games this year since the iTouch seems to be good entertainment!
Here is Travis at swimming lessons.  He keeps improving each year. Travis has come a LONG way.  When he was three and four he wouldn't even put his face in the water without having a fit. Now he has learned tons of strokes, kicks and can tread water.  
I am so proud that he finally will lay on his back and relax. I think this is the best he has done yet.  Connor is a little fishy in the water, but he hates being on his back. From what I hear this is quite typical for some kids.  Hopefully next year he will learn to relax.  Otherwise Connor is amazing with how well he can swim for his age. 
This summer it has worked out so well that grandpa has been here these past two weeks.  (Thank you, thank you grandpa!  I couldn't have done it without you!!)  After basektball camp he has taken Connor to his house for a nap. I take Travis to swim lessons and then grandpa has brought Connor to swim lessons at his time. This way I didn't have to watch him for an hour and a half before his swim lesson started. Each day he starts out here in the hot tub and of course he has to say hello to Shadow, the dog!  This child has NO FEAR. And I mean NO FEAR!!  He leaps into the air, arms sprawled out and lands face first into the water. Usually this is done into the hot tub area as I come running up just a few seconds too late.  Needless to say Connor has had  few timeouts this year during swim lessons.  I need to look into signing him up for Fear Factor. He would win for sure!
Here is Connor blowing bubbles, notice his entire head is under there. It is amazing to see how long he can hold his breath for.  He is part fish I think.
Connor even got to jump off of the diving board... into a ten foot deep pool.  Can you see the no fear in him?  Part of me is glad to be the parent who doesn't have the screaming child that is afraid of the water and the other part of me is! 


mad white woman said...

Ahhh! Lisa, I've been meaning to call you all week. We've just had lots of chaos here. I still want to get together, but it might need to be next week.

Kids that have no fear of the water scare me!

Mary Ann said...

Thanks for sharing, Lisa. Travis just seems like a natural athlete at so many sports. And Connor is so much fun to watch! BTW, his birthmark is looking so much better. You and Daryle made a brave, but brilliant decision.
With love,
Mary Ann