Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter 2012

For some reason Easter seemed to come and go very quickly this year.  I bought all of the stuff to dye the eggs, but we never quite got around to doing them.  The Easter Bunny must have been feeling the pressure too.  He didn't leave an egg hunt around our house this year either.  Oh well.  I think the kiddos still liked their baskets full of goodies anyway.  However, the bunny did leave a family gift... the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. They just love this one!  Connor was so excited to see it on the counter!
 Checking out his loot. (He still has some bed head here.)
 Travis is checking out his basket too. 
 Comparing to make sure things are equal!  lol
 Ready for church!  We took some inside shots first.

 Then we went out side.  This is one of my favorites of Connor right now. He just struck a pose and it was so darned cute!  He doesn't always want to cooperate, so this was a pleasant surprise!  (He insisted on wearing his boots with his shorts... I just pick my battles around here! He is a child that KNOWS what he wants. If he were a girl we would say he was a diva..!)
 Poor Travis. The sun really does bother his eyes.  Why didn't he put on his sunglasses that the Easter Bunny gave him??  Stubborn child.  He would put his hands to his eyes, say to me, "Tell me when!" I would say, "Now!" and he would put down his hand and try to smile. This is all I could get.
Oh well. Better this than nothing I suppose!  Although Daryle jokingly asked me why I was dressing Connor like Nemo (from Finding Nemo) I think they look cute in these spring colors. 

All in all we had a pretty nice Easter.  All I have to do is block out the part where Connor had a temper tantrum right in the middle of Mass. I really hope that as my kids grow up these are the things I permanently block out from my memory bank!  The part I probably will never block out was some lady way behind me say loudly, "SSSSSHHHHH!  Little brat." Oh my.  Really? On Easter Sunday? As we were sitting outside, in the hot sun, and listening to the priest over a loud speaker? We couldn't see a thing.  Plus we were there 25 minutes early before it even began.  I am sorry that my child was loud. I am sorry he was yelling. I am sorry he was screaming, "BUT MOM YOU MESSED ME UP! I WANTED TO BLOW THAT LITTLE BUG AWAY!!!"  I was already embarrassed enough. This unfortunate event only compounded to my stress level.  I have never, ever, ever heard anybody do that to anybody in the middle of church. There is no nursery at our church, nowhere to take the little ones so they don't bother anybody. Didn't Jesus say, "Let the children come to me?" That is why the priests at our church don't have a nursery, they want the children to be at Mass.  I sort of wish I knew which lady said that.  First, to apologize to her for my child's behavior.  Second, to tell her I will say a prayer for her. Other than that, we had a nice time celebrating with the grandparents.  We even managed to get in part of a Diamondback's game that day as well.  Of course my little "angel" was perfect once we got home from church. Figures.
Next year I think I need the Easter Bunny to bring me my own special basket. I think it should include a bottle of wine!


mad white woman said...

I can't believe someone said that to you at church!! Kind of reminds me of when a lady at our church told our Ward that we are really irreverent and as parents we weren't doing a good enough job to teach our kids. HA HA. Come to find out she didn't go to church when her kids were little. Our first meeting with everyone is 75 minutes long. That's a LONG time for me to sit, let alone a little kid. Later that day in another class a teacher wisely said he's pretty sure if Christ was at our church, He would be able to separate irreverence from the childlike behaviors.

And then on Monday night, we ate at Pei Wei and Clara thought she'd try some chopsticks. They slipped, shooting those little white rice noodles off the plate. They did not even get close to this lady sitting up the way from Clara on the booth. I was startled and quickly looked over at her, apologized and was horrified at the death glare she gave me. It took everything in her to mutter, "It's fine" and I was not one bit convinced that she meant it based on her glare. The rest of the night I couldn't stop thinking about grumpy people who act like a.) they were never a kid and b.) they have never been around a kid ever.

Story time over. :)

More of the Moore's said...

Wow...that lady must have been one of the Easter/Xmas only goers!! In Church no less!! I feel ya :-) Oh and the Easter Bunny brought the girls the same movie. That's one smart bunny :)