Last weekend my dad had a birthday. Again. Can you believe these things happen every year?? It's a funny thing about celebrating your parent's birthdays. When I was young they seemed soooo old. In reality, my parents are only 20-ish years older than me. What?! Now that seems like nothing. I can remember when each of my parents turned 40. Now talk about O.L.D. What's that you say? I am 40? Well I can tell you one thing for sure, nowadays 40 is waaayyy younger than it was when MY mom and dad turned 40! ha! As I have aged my opinions on aging have changed somewhat. Here is my dad, as young as ever on his 64th birthday.. I know he LOOKS 54, right? (It must be in the My parents came over before Travis' baseball game so we could do a little celebrating. We had my dad close his eyes while Travis escorted him in from the garage.
SURPRISE! We had a few gifts, balloons, and a party hat just for him. We enjoyed some cake and ice cream and of course we sang to him and made him blow out some candles. I think there were only 12 in the box... that's ok, who wants to actually light 64 candles???
I know who wouldn't mind lighting that many candles. Travis. Now that he knows how to use the lighter he takes any opportunity he can to light a few birthday candles. (Can I rent him out?)
It's a good thing we only had 12... I think that was hard enough for grandpa to blow out on his own! (I only say that because that is what grandpa said after he blew them out and I thought it was kinda cute!)
Look at these two checking out grandpa's new dbacks shirt! Just in time for baseball season, too.
Yep. I think he likes it!
It's a funny thing about using more than one camera to take pictures. I found some shots I forgot about. A few weeks ago my mom and I took Connor to the dbacks game for a bit. We didn't sit in our usual seats because the roof was opened and our seats were right in the sun. My mom has to be super duper careful in the sun. We got permission to sit in this nice covered area. It was good because Connor could walk around a bit when he started getting restless. (He also said, "LOOK! I can see the baseball players!!") He actually made it through about 3 innings here. Pretty good for a busy 3 year old! Here is Connor showing off his muscles... Grammy looks so impressed with them!
Proof that I was there too. This time of year my make up never stays on long. My allergies are wrecking havoc on me these days. The only reason I am looking forward to our 100+ days is because then the allergies are less intense. And my make up stays on longer than 30 minutes.
How could I have forgotten this cute picture from Travis' birthday??
I am so glad this last week is over. The schools all had testing this week. The good part is that I don't have to do much planning or grading. The bad part is that it is totally exhausting. I think my class did well, so that is all that matters. I wish we would get the scores back before the end of the school year but it doesn't work that way. Instead they come in over the summer so that by the time I have a chance to look at them I already have a new group of students sitting in front of me. Oh well. I can't believe we are already approaching the end of April. Where has 2012 gone so far?? I am anxious for things to slow down a bit. Is that even possible?
You are hysterical baby girl! Suddenly 40 doesn't sound so "old" huh??? lol
He's so old! :) JK.
Is Travis for rent? I will be needing someone to light 100 candles this weekend. Too bad it's super far away from your house.
You look great without your makeup on. That cute little youthful face of yours will probably never look older than 18.
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