As expected we began our spring with the arrival of baseball season. Pretty much anybody who knows us knows where to find us this time of year. That would be on the baseball fields!
With the beginning of baseball season always comes Travis' birthday. I can't believe he is now 11! Time just flies by at warp speed sometimes. He wanted to bring in doughnuts for his class for a birthday treat. We also picked up our breakfast and ate in my classroom before school. Great way to start the birthday weekend! (Actual birthday was Saturday, had to start out on Friday!)
Saturday morning he got to open up some birthday gifts.
I can't believe how big he is getting. He is starting to go from looking like a little boy to looking like an adolescent. This whole growing up thing is so bittersweet for me!!
We went to I Hop for his birthday. They even sang to him! We had a great time.
His team had it's first game that afternoon. After the game he wanted to go to dinner at the Olive Garden. Delicious way to end a wonderful day!
Connor loves baseball as much as Travis and Daryle. Daryle decided to stop coaching Travis and begin coaching Connor. Good move for all. Travis had an amazing coach and Daryle enjoyed coaching the little guys again. As you can see, Connor enjoyed his time playing catcher! This age is so much fun to watch.. they all think they are playing in the major leagues. We got quite a few chuckles watching this little team. Connor actually had quite a few friends on this team and I think they are going to try and play together in the fall too. It will be fun to keep most of them together and watch them grow and develop over time.
Can you believe we now have In-n-Out in our small town???
Why oh why do boys like to wear white and then dig in the dirt???
Flying planes while mom walked the track for a bit.
In April Connor went in for his 13th laser treatment on the birthmark around his eye. I do think we are about done. For now anyway. As he gets older he may opt to have more in the future. He is such a pro at this now! He loves going... as if we are going to Disneyland or something! The doctors want me to send in some before and after pictures of him to use in a video they are making. So exciting! I am all about helping educate people on issues. We dragged our feet for a while on this, I would be so happy to help others in the same boat. It's not an easy decision to make for sure.
Connor wanted to try on grandpa's glasses.... silly kid!
In April we had a family wedding in California. I wasn't going to go but then a few weeks before the wedding my great aunt called my mom and said she really wanted me to join them at the wedding and offered to pay for my ticket. How could I refuse that?? I was so honored that she would want to do that. So, off I went with my mom and dad on a little weekend getaway to San Jose! My mom and I were being silly and goofing off trying to take some "selfies"!

I do think over time we got better! Here we are walking around all of these cute shops in Los Gatos. Who knew it was such a cute little town?
See, not too bad!
While we were waiting for the wedding to begin we even got my dad in on the selfie action!
At the reception we all wore sunglasses, I brought mine home for the boys. Connor loved them!
Back to more baseball practices... and Connor making a "booby trap so that the zombies don't get you mom!" His imagination doesn't stop... I can't even remember all the things he says because I just sit there in disbelief at what he tells me most of the time.
Travis loved helping coach Connor's games. Here he is taking his third base coach job quite seriously. Connor is ready to steal home...
Yes, we somehow found time to dye some eggs before Easter.
Happy Easter from my little bunnies!
One night I found this little love note in Travis' backpack..... lol.. oh my gosh I guess 11 is when it starts... I am so not ready for this!!
I have another cousin getting married this summer. I went to her bridal shower and ended up bringing Connor with me. He lucked out because my uncle bought a Ferrari... and guess who got to sit in it and check it out??
These were the most fun drinks I have ever had! It was an amazing shower and we had a great time.
Travis bought himself some sunglasses.... looking pretty studly!
Travis has decided he wants to focus on soccer over the next year. He tried out for a competitive soccer team and he made it! We are so proud of him, he has worked so hard for this. Now our time will be consumed for soccer. (I say anything to keep them busy and out of trouble!)
One day at the doctor's office I found out that Connor is quite flexible...
One week in May is always Teacher Appreciation week. This year I received a letter in the mail from a former student. So amazing to hear from him and for him to tell me how much he loved being in my class. This is why I teach, to touch lives and make a difference to somebody. It is amazing to hear from former students and have them tell me this. Not everybody remembers their elementary teachers. I was touched.
Finally the baseball season was over and Coach Daryle handed out awards. It was a great end of season party!
Of course we celebrated Mother's Day. The things my kids make me at school are gifts I love the most. I still pray for all of those who are not mothers yet and are going through infertility. I will never forget the years that was me. Also, I always think of the women who carried my boys for me first. Such a gift they each gave me! Mother's Day is very precious to me on so many levels.
We did find some time to go to the movies. Connor and I saw Rio 2 while Daryle and Travis saw Godzilla. We all had a great time!
Next stop... Kindergarten Graduation!!!!
Connor with his good friend Landyn.
They did the cutest little performance!
Connor was waiting very patiently...with his hands on his get his certificate.
Finally he was up! It happened so fast it was all a blur on my camera!
So proud of my little man!
A few weeks back we got a letter in the mail from the Town Council. Apparently Connor's principal sent his name in to the town to be recognized for Student of the Month. We were so surprised! We went and he even got his picture taken with the Mayor. It was such a nice presentation. While we were waiting for his name to be called I guess Travis attempted to take a few selfies of himself... lol
Connor with our Mayor.
Last day of school!! I can't believe I now have a first grader and a fifth grader on my hands. So bittersweet for me. Connor graduating Kindergarten really hit me. When Travis graduated from Kindergarten we were in Russia adopting Connor. We still had a little one around. We still had diapers, potty training, walking, talking, baby toys, etc to go through all over again. Now that Connor is done with Kindergarten I am realizing there will be no more babies in our house. Well, until I become a grandma of course! But that is super far away! I am also having trouble adjusting to the fact that Travis won't be at my school anymore. Our school is K-4 and they go to the Middle School for 5-6 then the Jr High for 7-8 then high school. I am having a hard time with this. I know that the last two years I hardly saw him. BUT I knew he was there and I knew were to find him. I am excited for him to grow and spread his wings. He is ready for this. Even though mom may not be!
It seems like my boys are always the ones getting awards. Well, guess what, it's time for me to get one! For every 5 years of service we get a certificate and are recognized at our end of the year luncheon. It was pretty funny because when our Superintendent gave me my ten year certificate he said, "I guess we hire at age 18!" Of course I took that as a compliment! Even though I have been here for 10 years I actually just finished my 17th year teaching. Wow. I am not that old.... well I guess I am. lol
Last weekend my cousin that is getting married had a bachelorette party. Boy, it's sure been a long time since I have been to one of those... ten years I think. Here I am with a few of my cousins...not the bride though! We had a wild time, this is the only picture I am posting here! We had fun, I will leave it at that!
The next day we took the boys to the Diamondback's game. I am not sure that I went to any last season. We ALL went on Memorial day. I figured it was time I made an appearance. The boys are getting so grown up. It is so nice going to things like this and not worrying about diapers, nap time, or a toddler trying to run away from you. They enjoy the game, the food, and the fun games they have for the kids. We had a super good time together.
Of course we were there early... season ticket holders can get in 2 1/2 hours early to some games. We just had to get our matching camo jerseys... watch out Christmas cards! haha!
It's so nice to have those moments where your children really do love each other. Connor thinks Travis hung the moon. Although Connor's quirky noises can drive Travis though the roof I do know he is protective of him. He waited in this line and hit whiffle balls with his brother even though he didn't have to. Watching them grow up and become friends is so nice to see. I hope they always remain close.
Connor and I had a little date night last week.
So this summer we are going to be busy. No rest for the weary. For the first time in over 10 years I am teaching summer school. I could use some extra money and Travis could use some extra help with reading. It's a win win situation as far as I am concerned. The other project we are working on involves this....
It's time to repaint Connor's bedroom. It is a little babyish and could use a little lift. I am not sure what color we will go with. The top picture are Connor's choices, the bottom ones are mine. We have something in mind for his birthday that's coming up. Stay tuned for before and after pictures. Hopefully it will be done by the end of the month for sure!