Boy oh boy has this been a week at our house. No longer do I wonder what it is like to be a mom of two boys. Now I know. It is wonderful most of the time. Double the laughs, kisses, hugs, smiles, and joy of my kids. However, when they get sick it is double the tissues,
dr co pays, coughs, and now breathing treatments. Yes, Connor now has his own machine too. We are hoping he doesn't end up having asthma like Travis does, he is too young to diagnose that for now. I was told we need to "keep an eye on him." The good part is that we have been there and done that. We are prepared, or so we think.
Here is a picture showing how my boys are starting to find things they can do together. Connor loves the computer, he will probably pass us all up with his skills by the time he is 4!

He is watching EVERYTHING Travis does, I can just see he is soaking it all up. It is amazing to watch him grow and change so quickly. He has two new molars in the back and there are more on the way. He is such a sweetheart and so laid back. Grandpa watched him on Wednesday morning while I took Travis to the
ENT and again on Friday. They had so much fun, Grandpa said he would do it anytime! Connor is just so easy to take care of. To quote Grandpa, "Connor was an angel". Of course once in a while he does have an occasional melt down or temper tantrum (they only last about a minute, thank goodness!). He has these when you have to take something away from him or if Travis has done something to him. I have noticed I have to be careful not to jump to blame Travis, there have been times when Travis has actually been innocent! Another joy of being a mom of two. (Those of you with more than two, I marvel at how you do it!)
Here are a few pics showing how our week has progressed. First, Travis had to go back on the
albuterol treatments for his cough, he is such a pro now! He can do it all on his own now.

By Tuesday night, Connor was so "lucky" to join big brother with his own
albuterol treatments. He gets to use a little ducky for now. This was in the first few minutes, the happy face didn't last long though. Now I have figured out Connor needs to sit in his high chair with some toys for distraction while we do his treatments.
Here is Connor, all smiles!

Daryle has also been sick all week, he finally went to the
dr today and has a sinus infection. I just hope and pray that by Monday all of my boys are feeling back to normal! Thank goodness sinus infections and asthma are not contagious, I think I am safe for now!
Yesterday we had to take Travis in for a CT scan of his sinuses. He continues to have issues. The dr wants to look in there and determine if he needs another surgery (he just did that in March 2008) or if we can try some steroids. I vote for the steroids. Although, I have no idea what kind of crazy child it might make him. Right now he is on some strong medicine and it has made him quite irritable. Anyway, the CT scan itself was a nightmare. We talked about it, how easy it would be, etc. He seemed like he would be fine. He is a 6 year old you know. (wink, wink) Once we walked in that room he didn't want anything to do with it. He just started to freak out, got really nervous and was being SOOO difficult. It took Daryle, me and the tech 50 minutes to finally get him to do it. I was so thankful he did it in the end. If we had to put him under anesthesia for this it would have cost me a fortune. (That is what we had to do the last two times when he was younger.) Near the end Daryle and I just walked out of the room, I told him let's let the tech try on her own. We had pulled out all of the stops, made every bribe and tried everything we had up our sleeves. (Wouldn't you think a phone call to Santa or a trip on the Polar Express would make you cooperate??) Our patience was depleted. Daryle stood there with his arms crossed (not feeling well mind you) and just kept saying, "He's not going to do this!" I took the other route. I quick said some prayers to my guardian angel and asked the angels to PLEASE get him to sit still and do this. Within a few minutes HE WAS LAYING THERE STILL AS COULD BE!! As far as I am concerned, that was an awesome early Christmas gift for me! (It's the little things in life!) ;-)