Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Coming Up For Air

Holy Cow, I can't believe how busy we were during the month of September.  Our schedule has kept us all on our toes.  All we did was go to football practice (2 hours a day 4 times a week..we get home by 9-ish), baseball practice (1 1/2 hrs. 2 days a week), football games, baseball games, work, eat and sleep. Pretty much it was in that order too!   Sleep? I am not sure I remember what that is. Thank goodness we are finally on our two week fall break. The boys and I are still trying to catch up a bit.  I realized I never posted any pictures from Connor's first football game. The first game was scheduled for 7 am.  He had to be there by 5:30. The football field was an hour away from our house.  This meant we had to leave the house at 4:30.  (Can you say good-bye to sleeping in on Saturday mornings??!!)  Here was Connor, dressed and ready to go.
 Yes, I feel your pain. Poor Connor had mom pestering him for an early morning photo.
 Finally he cooperated (sort of).
 Yes, we got to see the sun come up. It was beautiful.  Plus, Connor thought this hill was a volcano. There was no convincing him otherwise!

 At half time they line all of the helmets up.  Getting a snack is the highlight of the game for Connor.
 These two barely touched each other, so funny to watch!
 End of the game snack is the BEST!
 Later that same day Travis played a baseball game.  (He also had a 7 am football game that day so Daryle and I had to split that one up.)  Here is Connor with his friend Kate.  Travis and her brother Ryder have been playing baseball together for the past 3 years. These two have so much fun hanging out and playing together while their brothers play baseball.  It's fun to see all of them grow up!
 Travis plays for the Hooligans.  They are hoping to make it a club team after this season in their current league.  This team has come a long way and are actually doing pretty good.  (As you see here, this was a strike!)
Sometimes between games or after the games my parents come over.  On this day my mom played Monopoly with the boys. They sure love when she plays games with them.
 Most of our month was spent at football and baseball fields.  Hopefully we only have one more month of this craziness.  Connor's team should be done at the end of the month. Travis' team is a different story. He is on an awesome team. So far they have only lost one game and are expected to be the number 1 seed for playoffs. I have a feeling their season is going to be a long one!  This baseball league that Travis is on should also end early to mid-November. I think. Then I hope I get to rest. I figure that will be around Thanksgiving weekend. I had better get it all in then. Because the week after that soccer starts. They are both going to play this time.  Thank heavens those practices are only once a week. If we are lucky maybe their practices will be on the same day (fingers crossed....).
Phew, who knew raising boys would be so exhausting??! 
We love it though. I wouldn't have it any other way!

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

"All" you did... ha ha. Tell Connor my favorite part of team sports were the snacks too. In fact, I've threatened to assign a team mom to our adult co-ed softball teams in the past so someone brings oranges, water and a treat for the end. :)