Connor LOVES to play peek-a-boo! He discovered this container today and he is so funny walking around with this on his head. He laughs so hard and so do we!

This is the cute,
smiley face I get to look at every day. He really is a very happy baby and you would never know he has only been in our family less than 2 months. (I know that looks like a LOT of toys, but most of them were also Travis' toys that I saved! I call Connor "Cyclone Connor" because I no sooner have the toys picked up and he has emptied the basket again. He is such a mess! LOL)

I also seem to have a little monkey on my hands! As I was on the computer Connor was playing right behind me. It got quiet, so I turned around and found him on the train table! The only problem is that he can get up there but he doesn't know how to get down! I am sure it won't take long for him to figure that one out.
We had such a good time with my friends Stephanie and Deanna. We all went to high school together in California yet we now live in three different states. I feel so lucky that I keep in touch with them both. It was so nice to have them come at the same time to meet Connor and visit with my family. The only thing that was missing were their husbands and kids! Maybe the next time we will ALL get together! While they were here the three of us were lucky to even get some "girl time" and get pedicures, do some shopping, see a movie and go out to dinner. It was so relaxing. I figured I would try to be on "vacation" too and have some fun. Next week is my last week off before I go back to work and the craziness really begins. On Thursday I begin my next Master's class so that craziness will resume as well. Fun times ahead! Here are two pictures of the boys with my friends. We sure miss them! I wish we all lived closer...what a house full of kids we would have if we did!

I am so lucky to have had an "extended" summer and part of me is anxious to get back to work but the other part of me will miss being home with Connor. Thank goodness we have a fabulous sitter and I know he will be in good hands! I also love our school schedule because I know that we will have the first two weeks on October off together and it will come quickly I am sure.
Have a great weekend!
He sure is a happy little guy with a bit of mischieviousness laced in there.
He is always in good hands with me I can't wait it is going to be so fun thanks for the compliment....
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