Today was my last day of Family Leave...sigh...I am so thankful that I was able to take this time to be home. I really did get a lot of things done. Today I even got to the Social Security office to apply for his SS number! One more thing to cross off the never ending to-do list. This is sort of a bittersweet moment for me. On the one hand, I have enjoyed being a stay at home mom for a few weeks. On the other hand, I am anxious to get back to school and get into our routine. I will always remember walking Travis to school, walking to pick him up after school and spending some special one on one time with Connor during the day. I feel so lucky to have been able to take this time with him. I wasn't able to take this much time with Travis, so it has been a lot of fun. People have been asking me how I am feeling about going back on Monday. I am not sure how to answer this, because I am not sure how it will hit me once I drop him off in the morning. I am thinking I will be just fine...but sometimes I think I will be fine until I am in the moment. The one thing that will help me is that I get to be back with Travis now during the day. I get to see him at lunch for a couple of minutes and sometimes I get to see him walking down the hallway with his class. The two of us will get our special one on one time back because we get to hang out before and after school together again. I think this will be good for Travis, it will seem more like"old times" for him. He has been having a difficult time adjusting...much more so than Connor. Connor acts like he has always been here! LOL However, I think we may have turned a corner with Travis this week. He got in some BIG trouble on Saturday and since then he has been much better. I hope it continues. At school 5 of the past 6 days he has had excellent behavior! His teacher says he is doing very well in school. He is actually READING!! I am so proud of him. I am so glad he is off to a great start! Connor got to meet his babysitter this week and he did so well! He just walked around and played with toys (he even stole a toy from somebody...oops!) and acted like he had been there before. I know he will do great there, it is good to see he already feels at home just like Travis used to when he was little. Here are a couple of pics from our last week at home.

Travis wanted to help me cook. I pulled out an old Christmas apron my grandma made me years ago and he put it on. He said to me, "Mom, which side is the cutest?" I about died! Here he is helping me make beef stew. We also made banana bread but no picture of that. Only this one with a crazy look on his face to go with it! (Yes, that is his breathing machine ....we have to put it up because Connor likes to unplug things and then stick the cords in his mouth! Yuck!)

Here is my monkey boy....he climbed up on this! (It looks much taller here than it really is.) Why, he climbs on everything!!! Nothing stops this little guy... watch out world! I have a feeling we may have some emergency room visits in our future if this stuff keeps up! LOL
Isn't that the cutest little face??? How could he cause any trouble??!! I just love these boys!!
Good luck on Monday. That is neat you get to have a few minutes here and there with Travis during his school days. Oh, and Connor has such a sweet face.
Both the boys are so precious, Lisa. They have enriched so many lives! I feel so fortunate to share in their special moments.
Love, Mary Ann
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