Our second week of spring break is half way over....I wish I could freeze time right here! We have been keeping busy even though we are not on our normal schedule. I was told I had to sew a patch on Travis' baseball uniform this year. I was a little nervous about that just because I don't sew that much... ok not at all... however, I did take Home Economics and my talented grandma taught me a thing or two about sewing. In the end I was pretty proud!

Don't worry, the real thing looks better than my blurry picture. While we were in Legoland Rock turned 12 years old. Wow! It seems like just yesterday we brought him home. (Not that long ago he crawled under the deck in our backyard in Memphis and got stuck. Daryle wasn't home so it was up to me to get him out. I called all kinds of emergency numbers. Finally somebody told me to get a squirt bottle with soap and water. That pretty much did the trick! Then I had to chase him around the backyard because he tried to eat my water bottle. Oh how I don't miss the puppy days!) Even though he is a doggy school drop out we still love him to pieces. We couldn't ask for a better dog with the boys. I just wish he didn't bark so much. Other than that he is pretty perfect. Travis and I went to Target and he carefully considered every possibility in the aisle until he picked out this perfect birthday present for him.

Rock had a hard time posing for this picture, he wanted that bone SOOOOO badly!

We decided to celebrate with cupcakes. Grammy and Grandpa even came over to help decorate. Don't worry, Rock's didn't have frosting on them.

Treat time! As you can see Daddy had to come and hold Rock back so that he didn't gulp those cupcakes right out of Travis' hands! (Oh, and if you ask Connor about the color of his shirt, it is not yellow.. it is mustard.)

Last night was Travis' first baseball game. He is playing kid pitch now so he has moved up to the big fields. I like this area much better because they have bleachers to sit in and there is a fence all the way around to keep us all safe. (Mostly Connor.... no worries about getting hit in the head with a ball or swinging bat from him getting too close to the field. Last year I had a few heart attacks about that one!) Here he is in his uniform. He makes a pretty cute baseball player, even if I am his mom and terribly biased! I did not realize how much fun it was going to be to watch him play this year. The boys are all growing up and actually understand postions for the most part. They all walk around with a little swagger. They are all so cute! (It is even funnier to see them all mess around with those cups they have to wear now!!)

Travis and Coach Dad, or I mean, Coach Daryle.

This year we have our friend Cody in town. He has graciously offered his time and talent to help Daryle coach the kids. We have known Cody since before he was even born, kind of crazy to see him all grown up at 18 (almost 19) and helping Daryle coach little league!

Connor has already found a way to lure the cute girls over. Just bring out the book on trucks and tractors and see where it takes you. Like his brother, he sure can spot the cute ones!!

It was dark and hard to take pictures. This one has been lightened twice and zoomed in on. Terrible quality but proof that he played second base last night.

Today we went to the park with some cousins. While we were waiting I got a picture of Connor's favorite park toy... the swings of course! Travis and the girls started playing hide and seek. I spotted this head sticking out from the middle of the bush.

It was Travis!! LOL Funny kid! Oops, looks like he was spotted!
We cracked up because here was this huge playground structure, open field, paths to ride their scooters on, and where did they want to hang out?? In this bush!! Kids, gotta love 'em!
That's really funny that Connor calls his shirt mustard. Sounds like Angela. :)
It is really wonderful that Daryle is so involved with Travis in sports. It looks like they both enjoy it so much.
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