This weekend Connor got to bring home "Billy the Bulldog" from school. The high school mascot is the Bulldogs. His teachers found this darling bulldog and put a school shirt on him. All of the kids get to have a turn bringing Billy home for the night. We were so excited for his visit!
Here is Mr. Connor (as he is known at school) showing Billy our house. They were both so excited to be here!
Travis had a turn trying to make Billy "talk".
We decided to go down to the park at the end of our street. It was still a little warm out so we were sure to bring Billy some water too!
Here are the two buddies checking out the playground.
Do you see them up there in that tunnel???
Oops... Billy made it down safely... where is Mr. Connor??
Phew... there he is!
Two cute buddies!
Well..... until he got distracted by the cat roaming around. Dad checked him out and he seemed to be very friendly. He was wearing a collar and tags so I guess it was ok to pet him. Connor kept saying, "He is my best friend! He LOVES me mom!" He just loves animals. This cat obviusly is used to kids, he let Connor pet him and sort of chase him around.
Then Connor found this stick to play with. You would have thought he found some kind of treasure.
They were both tuckered out! Here they are last night sleeping safe and sound.
On a side note... last night my mom and dad came over for dinner. Connor saw these on a plate and said, "These are my babies. I am taking care of them." What? 

Oh, I get it, he thought the potatoes looked like dinosaur baby eggs!!
LOL What a little goofball!
1 comment:
One of my favorite memories of elementary school is taking home the class stuffed animal. I LOVED it.
Clara went through a phase where she'd talk to her food, saying things like, "I'm sorry, but I have to eat you."
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