I can hardly believe that Connor has been home with us for five months now. Amazing. It seems like we waited a lifetime for Travis to get home. With Connor it was such a faster process, sometimes I feel like I blinked and he was here. Now it seems like he has always been here. Just today I was talking to my mom about last Thanksgiving and I said, "Remember it was Travis and Connor..." Oops. It just felt like he must have been there! He was there in spirit though. We are so blessed to have both of these boys in our family. I count my blessings every day that we were led to our boys through the miracle of adoption. Even though some days we have our rough patches, in the end we know they were both destined to be part of our family. Who doesn't have rough days and challenges??
We are all getting excited to be celebrating Connor's first holidays here at home. I know at this age they don't remember much, but we know and we remember. I hope the first Santa picture goes better than Travis' did. He screamed and carried on so much that I am in the picture too!! Connor is the opposite of Travis in just about everything, so it will be interesting to say the least.
Right now the weather here is GORGEOUS! This is why we live here. Connor LOVES his swing out back, he could stay there all day if you let him. I am so glad we have the
swing set in the backyard, they love to be out there every afternoon when we get home from school.

This picture is cute, if only that darn rope wasn't in the way!

Here is Connor in his swing eating a cookie. (He still eats anything!)

Love the look on his face!! He is sucking all of the chocolate out of the middle of his cookie. We can't waste anything around here!

LOVE this little face! Life is pretty good for this little dude. ;-)

Travis enjoys his "clubhouse". Here he is peeking out through the slots.

We have been lucky enough to have Grandpa be in town since Halloween. I just love this picture I got of the two of them. Can't you just hear the laughter??

I heard Travis laughing this morning, I turned to see what it was and Connor was riding around on this firetruck! It was so cute, but of course by the time I got the camera out he started to get off. I sure hope Santa brings this child a ride on toy to scoot around on for Christmas!

On Saturdays my mom picks up my grandma and they go to lunch and do some little errands. Today they stopped by our house to pick up some cookie dough my mom bought. It was so nice spending some time visiting with my Grandma, we don't get to do it nearly enough! Whenever we are together there is so much going on that I don't have much time to sit and just visit with her. It sure brings back lots of fond memories! (Life was so different before I had kids of my own! I wouldn't have it any other way though!) Travis and Daryle were at a baseball game, so it was just Connor and I at home. Here is a picture of Connor with his Grammy and Great-Grandma. My camera is so slow I couldn't capture Connor's smile. He was full of smiles, my camera is just a bit slow! We had a lovely afternoon together.
I have much so be thankful for, even though there are days when I want to bury my head in the sand. I have two beautiful children, a great husband who helps me out around here (with minimal prodding anyway, wink, wink!), parents who love us and their grandchildren even more, our faith, our health, a house, and our jobs. (I could go on and on, but you get the picture.) I am so blessed that each day I see smiles and hear the laughter of children in my house. It doesn't get much better than that. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!