So much for trying to upload pictures of the last two days in order. Oh well! I do have to say, this was a wonderful and most memorable day. Both boys were absolute angels and made the day even more meaningful and special for our whole family. We weren't too sure how Travis would handle sharing the gift unwrapping, etc. Something seemed to happen to him overnight. I think Santa must have spread around some magic because it was like he woke up a different child. Even if it only lasts for one day, we'll take it! All joking aside, he was such a fabulous big brother today. I had no expectations for the day, which is always a good thing anyway. Travis was wonderful in every way. Connor of course was just a bit overwhelmed by it all, but he had a wonderful day too. It is so amazing how one more member in the family can make the day that much more joyful. I just kept thinking about what he was doing last year ( he was in the hospital under evaluation we think) and I kept thinking how wonderful that he is here with us this year. This is where he was meant to be. Now for my out of order pictures from the last few days.

Since Connor loves music so much, yes, we got him an instrument set! I'll tell you, it was a hit! He picked up those drum sticks and played that drum like he has been doing it his whole life. The two of them together made a nice little band!

Yes, Santa delivered Travis the kitchen set he so desired! He has been "cooking" and taking orders all day long. We also got him a cash register so he has been "selling" his items. He sold grandpa a $30 hamburger... seems like he is going by Russian prices!
LOL Actually, the kitchen is a hit with both boys, and Travis has been sharing nicely.

Now we back up to Christmas Eve. Here are the cookies Travis decorated and left for Santa. They must have been good because he ate all of them!

Here are the boys with Great-Grandma at dinner. Yummy Mexican food!

Daryle and his dad at dinner. At least they were behaving in this picture!

Here are Travis and I with my dad.

My boys at dinner. Once again, both boys were so well behaved. Kind of surprising for Connor since he didn't take a nap and sat so nicely through church before we even got to dinner. No wonder Santa was so good to them!

Our family all together this year for Christmas Eve dinner.

Backing up a few days, here we are making sugar cookies. With Travis standing on that chair he looks so darned grown up! I am having flashes of "
teenagerhood" just looking at this picture. My baby is growing up so fast!!

After the cookies we made a gingerbread train. We departed from the annual gingerbread house and did a train. It was lots of fun. It will be fun when Connor can help out. This year we did it while he took a nap!

Travis all dressed up before church on Christmas Eve. Where is Connor? Still asleep in his bed. After over an hour of NOT sleeping he finally decides to fall asleep ten minutes before we need to head off to church!

Fast forward back to Christmas morning. Here are the boys with their kitchen posing in their cute Christmas

We looked at these smiling boys all day. Such joy they bring us!

I guess that sums up our holidays. Merry Christmas to all of you, we hope you all had a day of fun with family and friends. May you all find joy and hope during this blessed holiday season.
Your Christmas looks like it was a WONDERFUL one, Lisa! The boys are absolutely adorable, and I LOVE that kitchen set you got for them! :)
So glad your family had such a wonderful holiday! *hugs*
How fun. Christmas is fun with one kid so I'm sure the fun multiplies with two. Is Travis a budding chef? I don't know a kid that didn't like a kitchen. That Santa, he sure is smart.
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, Lisa. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures and comments. Thinking about your family this year makes me smile. Both boys are so much fun!
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