Boy did we have a busy day! Of course it started at 5:20 this morning when Connor woke up and decided to bless us with his presence. ;-) (He has not received the memo about sleeping in on Saturdays yet! LOL) With that being said, it would be no surprise to you that we were all fed, showered, dressed, and ready to go by 8:30 this morning. Usually that only happens when Travis has some kind of game to go to. No games today, this was just us being ready to have some fun. Yesterday Daryle and Travis went to Home Depot to get a lock for the refrigerator. (Yes, we have to keep Connor out of there too. He wakes up in the night and heads for some yogurt. He is something else I tell you!!) So, as they were there they saw a sign advertising their Saturday event. On the first Saturday of the month they have a kids workshop where they get to build something. Now that Travis is old enough and we had some free time they decided to check it out. He made the cutest little spice rack for his mom! I need to take a picture of him with it though. He was so proud of himself and had a great time. While they did that Connor and I went to the car wash and then went to the grocery store. Note to self: Do not take Connor to the grocery store alone for at least another six months. It all started while I was in the produce section tearing off a bag for some apples when this hand reaches out, grabs an apple from the bottom and then a domino effect happened. Yes, apples started falling to the floor! I didn't know what to grab first, Connor or stop the apples!! It all went downhill from there... literally. Seriously, that kid has got to be part octopus! We all met up back home and decided we still had time to go check out the Safety Fair that our town puts on every year. The kids love to see the fire trucks, helicopters and simulations that they put on. We got to see two house fires. One had a sprinkler system and one did not. It was amazing to see how fast things can burn down. Scary. Here are some pictures from our late morning adventure.
Yes, Travis was petting an alligator!
Here we are checking out one of the Sheriff's four wheelers. Connor enjoyed pushing all of the buttons...
Of course they had to check out the heavy equipment! Connor wanted to drive everything!
Yes, all kids who wanted to check out the rescue boat had to put on a life jacket... never mind that the boat was in a parking lot! I understand the message, just thought it was kind of funny that the first time they were on a boat was in the Target parking lot in the middle of the desert!
Checking out the fire truck... even mom got in on the action!
Future fire fighter??
Hopping on the helicopter, Connor is looking for his seat belt. I guess he figured if he buckled up they just might take him for a ride!
After a nap for Connor and running errands for Travis and I we invited the grandparents over for dinner. Since we finally have beautiful weather again the boys are both enjoying our backyard more and more. Travis was pushing Connor on the swing when he suddenly ran in, got the camera, and took this picture of Connor. He really isn't a bad photographer. (Never mind that I deleted about 8 others!!)
I think this one was my favorite of the day! They are both bonding more and more as brothers all the time. I think as Connor is getting older Travis is enjoying him more because there are more things they can do together. Every morning this week Connor has greeted Travis with a huge smile and shouts, "Good morning brudder!" I have even caught Travis saying (on more than one occasion) "Love you Connor! Who's your brother?" Sometimes Connor says Travis, but tonight he said, "Mommy!!" I guess we still have some work to do!
We don't normally get out of bed until 8:30am... so to be up, fed, showered, dressed by then would require a lot of effort.
Last night, I (not Clara) pulled an onion out at the store, not realizing how low it was, and there went a bunch of onions. So maybe Connor just misjudged the location of the apple he grabbed? :)
How fun to finally get caught up with your family! :) You have an awesome family and I love reading your adventures! Let's do one together walking across the street and having an ice cream cone together could be a good start...LOL! Love you Lisa, so glad you're our neighbor!
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