It seems like I spent a LOT of time in my car today. It's a good thing I like my car. It's nothing extravagant but it is comfortable, drives nice, and has been good to me. Today we already had a lot going on in Travis' busy social life. However, a little wrinkle was thrown in when it was evident yesterday that he was getting sick and was in need of an antibiotic for another sinus infection. Up I was by 8 am to call the doctor to get an appointment. Our office it not open on Saturdays so when this happens we have to drive in to Tempe, this is about a 30 minute drive from our house. One way. I was able to get him an 11:00 appointment with our doctor. Great! I figured he would miss his 12:00 soccer game. Nope. That's not what Travis (or Coach Dad) had in mind. We were signing in and Travis asked the nurse if they could please get him in quick. I told him he had a soccer game he wanted to get to. (As I said that I sort of rolled my eyes as if to say I know that's never going to happen!) She laughed and said she would see what she could do. Well, we were in and out of there by 11:05. Good thing we were already there 15 minutes early. Yep, sinus infection it was. Off we raced, stopping by Grammy and Grandpa's house to pick up Connor first, then off to the soccer game we went. Right after the game we raced back to the car, got home so Travis could quickly change, and off we went to Skateland for a birthday party. This was about 20 minutes away, in the same direction as the doctor's office visit was. (It felt like I was in that movie Groundhog day when the same things keep happening over and over again to the poor guy.) A few hours later back we went into the car to go home. Travis got to rest for a short while... maybe 45 minutes... and then off he went with Daryle to so see the monster truck show in downtown Phoenix. I am glad I got to stay home! I was concerned about him but Daryle just sent me this picture from his phone....

along with the caption, "See, he is having fun!" He looks a little bit tired but I am glad he is having a good time. Good thing he can sleep in tomorrow! I just hope he gets home early enough to squeeze in another breathing treatment before bedtime.
Thank goodness Connor just tags along and goes with the flow of his brother's social life. I have assured him that he will be just as busy when he gets big. Then he told me he wanted to be big. Now. Well sweetie, it just doesn't work like that! He is so funny. About two nights ago he started asking us where Sparky was. Who is Sparky? We kept asking him who he was talking about. I was beginning to wonder if he had an imaginary friend or something. After all, he does go around pretending to lick us and we have to call him "Puppy Connor". He crawls around on all fours and pants with his tongue hanging out. Then today we figured it out. We were standing in my bedroom and he yells and points, "There is Sparky!!" I looked and he was pointing to our dog, Rock. It seems he has renamed our dog. Poor Rock, he sure puts up with a lot. He makes up for it though. Tonight I bought Connor a sandwich from Subway. Connor left the table to get something and in a split second Rock had downed Connor's little sandwich. I feared a meltdown. Connor took it all in stride. Good thing he is ok with peanut butter. I guess what goes around comes around in our house. ;-)