Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Who Are These People??!

Last night was game 3 of the series that the Diamondback's are playing.  The first two were played in Milwaukee so last night was the first home game in the series. Of course Daryle had tickets for the game.  He was so excited, it was the first playoff game he has ever been to.  I guess the occasion warranted hair and face painting. Here they were when the left the house....
 This is what happened when they got to Chase Field...
 Travis requested "stripes"... I guess he was satisfied!
 Here they are, father and son for sure!
 Today was a BEAUTIFUL day outside. Finally we can go to the park and play without sweating up a storm or being afraid to touch the toys for fear of them being so hot your skin might burn right off.  Both of my boys love to swing. Connor could have stayed on the swing all day. I had to keep telling him to share because others were waiting for a turn.
 "Look Mom, no hands!!"
 I finally got Connor off the swings and over to the slide for a bit.
 Eventually some older boys showed up and were kicking the football around. Travis was just dying to play with them. He sort of horned his way in by running after the ball for them a few times. They were pretty nice and let him have a few turns.  This is how I kept an eye on him.
 This afternoon we were at grandpa's house. For a good 45 minutes Connor was entertained by a pile of coins and Bob the Builder.  (And why do we spend money on toys for these kids??) While he played with that Travis and Grandpa played a mean game of War. 
This week I am going to help Grandpa do some decorating in his house. He has been moved in for over a year now. It is time for a few curtains on the windows and some pictures on the walls.  Travis was wearing one of grandpa's t-shirts because he fell in the mud while he was at the park and I had to run a few errands.   I am not completely convinced this "fall" was an "accident".  Ahh, to be a boy!! 


mad white woman said...

They're your family. HA HA! I love the painted faces. After you decorate Grandpa's house, can you come to my house? I need some help too. :)

More of the Moore's said...

Seriously laughing at the coins and Bob the Builder! I ask myself all the time "Why buy toys?" as they play for hours with tupperware, a piece of string, a measuring tape ... LOL!