Saturday, January 14, 2012


Soccer season is upon us once again. Of course Daryle is coaching. This year their colors are bright yellow and black.  The team decided to be called the Hornets. They actually have a pretty good little team too.  Travis moved up to the 8-9 year old division so he is now on a bigger field with bigger goals. He is worried about playing goalie and having somebody kick a ball "up over his head and in the corner." I told him not to worry about it and to do his best. That's all you can do. As for me, I NEVER wanted to play goalie. I was too afraid of the ball. I remember a girl named Molly was always our goalie.  Not me. I was happy playing in the back and helping the goalie. Not much action happened back there. I wasn't the most aggressive or competitive child athletically.  (Now put me in a spelling bee or compete for the best grades and you have a different story.  I also cheer pretty loudly for the team from the sidelines too.  I am a good "soccer mom" in that respect!)  Daryle and I have often discussed that it was probably a good thing we don't have biological would have frustrated him when it came to sports!!  Fortunately, we have two Russian boys who LOVE sports and are pretty good at them too.  Connor is counting down the days when he "gets a team".  Next year he can play, you have to be 4. He is so excited.  I can't wait for it either. I just love watching the little guys play, it is so much fun.  Here are some of my favorite pictures from Travis' first game last Saturday. I have a bunch, but they all start looking the same after awhile.  Here is Coach Daryle with his team.
Travis playing goalie.
 Action shot.
 If you look closely you can see the street sign. It says Hawes Road.  No it wasn't named after us. However, a lot of my students think it is. Not to mention my own children. Pretty funny.
 Connor was hanging out playing on my iTouch feeling pretty cozy with Red Truck Grandpa.  (Sometimes this is shortened to  "Red Truck". We all know who that means!)
 Then he switched to "GrammyGrandpa's" lap. We all know that means my dad.  This is how they tell the two grandpas apart.  The kids came up with it so it has stuck.  Cute kid sayings always seem to stick! 
 Of course he still likes Mommy's lap too!
 Connor wanted a turn with the camera.  I had to delete most of what he took. I kept this one he took of his shadow. Pretty clever! (Not sure if this was on purpose or an accident, either way I like it.)
 Having two iTouches in the house has been a pretty good investment... thanks Santa! I got one last year and this year Santa brought one for Travis. Mine has sort of been taken over by Connor. That's ok, I don't use it much anyway.  This is how I found them the other day when we got home from school. Ahh. Peace.
 Last Sunday during the football game Connor wanted to watch a movie.  Well, the DVD player in our bedroom is on the fritz and he was very insistent.  I knew there was no way the football game was going off the main TV. So I came up with the *brilliant* idea of getting out one of our portable DVD players.  Everything was quiet so I went to check on him. Boy can this child multitask!  lol
iTouch in one hand while watching the movie. He was also chewing gum.  Every now and then I heard a giggle.  The DVD player is now safely put back up in my closet.  I don't want him getting any ideas such as wanting a TV in his room.  (Not at 3 years old anyway!) 

Last week we had some sad news. It seems our dog, Rock, has lung cancer.  The doctor doesn't give him much longer to live. He will be 13 in March. That is pretty old for a big dog like Rock.  He is our oldest "child".  Lots of memories.  So far the medicine they gave him for his cough is helping tremendously.  He is breathing louder and is drooling all over the place but that doesn't seem to get him down. He is still eating (we have to give him canned dog food now, at least he eats that) and the neighbor cat is still taunting him from the block wall in the backyard.  So, he still gets in a few barking fests during the day.  Other than that he is lying around and gets lots of treats and attention.  I am not looking forward to the inevitable. That is going to be one rough day in the near future.  Here is an older picture of my boys... but this is how you can often find the three of them.  Very cozy.  The boys even still call him "puppy".  Right now we are cherishing each day we have left with him.

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

Kids crack me up with technology these days. It's amazing!

Sorry to hear about Rock. :(