Just to let you all know, I know nothing new. We have resolved ourselves to the fact that we will just have to wait until after Jan 10 to hear any more information on the baby boy our agency told us about. That's ok, I have so much to do around here to keep me quite busy for a long time. Travis has decided he wants to switch bedrooms and he wants us to make his bedroom into a Raiders theme ... of course Daryle is extremely happy about that idea! I think I can make it work, we already have some Raiders things to put in his "new" room.
On a funny note, last night I had a dream that our agency called and said they had twins...a boy and a girl for us! They said the mother hadn't had the babies yet, they were due in May ( a red flag, of course that never happens with Russian adoptions!!) . It seemed so real, until Daryle woke me up! He reassured me that it was only a DREAM. Oh well ...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Making cookies for Santa Claus
Yesterday Travis and I decided to take advantage of a rainy day and do some Christmas baking. As a mom, I have always dreamed of that perfect time of making sugar cookies. I have tried in the past, but Travis just wasn't into it. Well, this year he was and we had an absolute ball!! We cranked up the Christmas music and away we went! Here are some pictures to show you how we did.
First, we got on our aprons .... he got to wear the coveted Raiders apron that belongs to Daryle!
Here is Travis using the rolling pin and cutting out the cookies.

After all the cookies were done, we got to decorate them with frosting and sprinkles. Travis took this very seriously. You can see he was concentrating very diligently.
Here you can see that little mischevious smile that I love so much!!
He finally decided on the cookies that we would leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve. Don't worry, I have put them in a safe spot and I know they will be a tasty treat for Santa very soon!
Yesterday Travis and I also did some shopping. Target already has Christmas decorations on sale, so we decided to get "our baby" a stocking for next year. Travis picked out a really cute snowman. When we got home, he wanted to hang it right next to his. He even gave the stocking a little kiss! Travis also picked out a little Christmas present for the baby, we will save it until they are home. I have no new information to report, so for now we are just enjoying the holidays and anticipating that we will be traveling to cold and snowy Russia very , very soon. Much love to you all!!
First, we got on our aprons .... he got to wear the coveted Raiders apron that belongs to Daryle!

Family Christmas Celebration
Last Saturday my mom's side of the family met to celebrate Christmas. When we were younger, we ususally met on Christmas Eve. Now the family has grown so much that we have to meet on the weekend before Christmas. As always, a great time was had by all. Travis LOVES getting together with all of his cousins. He is starting to think everybody is a "cousin".... he asked if Great-Grandma was his cousin too!! Haha!! I didn't get too many cute pictures, but here are a few that show the fun the kids had. Merry Christmas to everybody!!
Here is Emily, Taylor, Travis and Lauren playing hot potato with Elmo.
Travis, Emily and Lauren visiting.
Here is Emily, Taylor, Travis and Lauren playing hot potato with Elmo.

Perfect Attendance Award
Last Friday Travis got a Perfect Attendance award for the second quarter of school!! That is awesome!! Considering how sick he can get, we are so proud of him for being healthy! He loves school and as you can see from his face he was VERY proud to have his name called out. Congratulations Mr. Travis!!

Friday, December 19, 2008
Another nibble....
We now know that this little baby boy is around 13 or 14 months old...oh- my- gosh!!!!!!!!! Of course, that is assuming we will be able to accept this referal, that he will have a healthy medical, etc, etc, etc. Please pray that we have a picture and more information by Christmas... (maybe I will send an emergency letter to Santa!!) I'm not sure if I will be able to handle not knowing more very soon..... Of course I will handle it, I just may be a bundle of nerves!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Throw me a bone....
Ok, I don't really have any "news" but I do have some "information"!! I guess you could say, our agency threw us a bone. I think it is supposed to tide us over until we get the real thing! I'll take whatever I can get!! Anyway....she said they had a referral for us but they are waiting to get the medical information. Here's the lovely part.....she doesn't know if they will get the medical information before Christmas or after January 10....sigh....however, whether we get the info now or not until after January 10 we will more than likely travel the end of January or early February (in that case happy birthday to me!). All of this is contingent on the fact that we are able to accept the first referral. For those of you who have read this far.....she said it is a boy!! That is all I know for now.....honest!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
A new week ahead...
This week is going to be a busy one, you can be sure of that!! The last week before Christmas break is always craziness!! Our second graders are putting on a Holiday Fashion Show.....it is usually so much fun, but a lot of practicing before the big day. They all look so cute in their dressy clothes. Only 4 1/2 days....but who is counting???!!!??? :-)
We are keeping our fingers crossed that we might hear something this week.....if you can say a prayer or two we would greatly appreciate it!!! I can't promise for sure that I will be able to post right away if we do get a referral, because we have to have the medical report checked out by our doctor first. Trust me, it is going to take GREAT RESTRAINT from me, but we will see. I may be able to throw out a hint or two. Keep checking on us..... there will be good news one of these days!!
We are keeping our fingers crossed that we might hear something this week.....if you can say a prayer or two we would greatly appreciate it!!! I can't promise for sure that I will be able to post right away if we do get a referral, because we have to have the medical report checked out by our doctor first. Trust me, it is going to take GREAT RESTRAINT from me, but we will see. I may be able to throw out a hint or two. Keep checking on us..... there will be good news one of these days!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
On Friday sent my agency an e-mail and asked if our paperwork had been sent to Moscow, since that is what I was lead to believe. Today, this is the response I got:
Hi Lisa!
All the documents came in but we had to have them apostilled before they can go, then we have to bind and copy the dossier. The packet will be ready to go out this week.
WHAT??!! They haven't been sent out yet?? (Heavy sigh....) So I sent my mom this e-mail:
I am just forwarding this response on to all of you...all I have to say is UGH! I know I need to be patient, it is just so darn hard!! I guess at least another week before we know anything.... Lisa
This is what I got back from her:
... All you have to say is UGH??? My goodness, I think you are taking this very well!!!
This is what I have to say UGH!!!!
Love, Mom
And that is all I have to say about that..............................
Hi Lisa!
All the documents came in but we had to have them apostilled before they can go, then we have to bind and copy the dossier. The packet will be ready to go out this week.
WHAT??!! They haven't been sent out yet?? (Heavy sigh....) So I sent my mom this e-mail:
I am just forwarding this response on to all of you...all I have to say is UGH! I know I need to be patient, it is just so darn hard!! I guess at least another week before we know anything.... Lisa
This is what I got back from her:
... All you have to say is UGH??? My goodness, I think you are taking this very well!!!
This is what I have to say UGH!!!!
Love, Mom
And that is all I have to say about that..............................
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Last night Daryle and I had an amazing experience. We went to his company Christmas party and had such a nice evening from the moment we walked in the door. It is always nice to see people and catch up since some of our friends live out of state. Even though I don't work there I know a lot of the people since Daryle has worked there for over 10 years. Anyway, every year after dinner his company does a "Gift Giveaway". All of the employees draw a number and they get the gift that has that number on it. They are all always really nice things. Usually, there is one "big" prize, this year it was a television. So, everybody got their presents and at the end the person who won the t.v. asked Daryle and I to come up to the front. We had no idea what was going on. He asked Daryle to talk a bit about the adoption and how we had a casino night, etc. Then, he announces that he would like to donate the tv for an auction with the money going to our adoption!!! We just stood there, stunned!! Right away, somebody else put their present up for auction too! So, those two auctions went quite well ...then suddenly two more people donated their presents for the spur of the moment auction too!! We were overwhelmed with the kindness, generosity and true spirit of giving that Daryle's co-workers displayed. Not only were people donating their nice presents, other people were actually bidding on them!! WOW!!
I have to say, coming up with the money for both adoptions has always been one of the most stressful parts we have had to deal with. We do fundraiser after fundraiser and just keep our fingers crossed and say a lot of prayers that it will all work out and we will get what we need to bring our children home. When things like this happen it gives me hope and faith that indeed God is leading us down this path for a specific reason. We may not know what that reason is right now, but we do believe in our hearts that there is another child out there who is destined to be in our family. Thank you to all who participated last night, it left us speechless, overwhelmed and humbled. We are incredibly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives. Whether you came to Casino Night, bought or sold cookbooks for us, particpated in last night's auction, or have said a countless number of prayers for our family, we want to say "THANK YOU!!" You all mean the world to us!
I have to say, coming up with the money for both adoptions has always been one of the most stressful parts we have had to deal with. We do fundraiser after fundraiser and just keep our fingers crossed and say a lot of prayers that it will all work out and we will get what we need to bring our children home. When things like this happen it gives me hope and faith that indeed God is leading us down this path for a specific reason. We may not know what that reason is right now, but we do believe in our hearts that there is another child out there who is destined to be in our family. Thank you to all who participated last night, it left us speechless, overwhelmed and humbled. We are incredibly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives. Whether you came to Casino Night, bought or sold cookbooks for us, particpated in last night's auction, or have said a countless number of prayers for our family, we want to say "THANK YOU!!" You all mean the world to us!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Preparing for Christmas...(no new news though...)
Well, let me start off by saying we haven't heard anything this week about the adoption. We only know that our papers were being sent to Moscow this week, so we are hoping that they are either on their way or they are already there. I am so glad we have the holidays to keep us preoccupied right now, because otherwise I know I would be feeling even more anxious than I already am!! I am getting to the point where I just want to know if it is a boy or a girl and how old they are!! Patience....
So, I will give you a short update of our Thanksgiving and how we have been decorating the house for Christmas.
Here is Travis with Grammy at the park on Thanksgiving afternoon. We had a really nice day!
Here is Travis with Great-Grandma. They played Connect Four together, I taught them both how to play...then I turned around for a minute to discover Travis was already trying to cheat!! Poor Great-Grandma!!
Here is Travis with his new cousin, Riley. Travis was practicing being a big brother, I must say he did a VERY good job! Riley seemed to like Travis and they enjoyed playing peek-a-boo together. I think Riley will be happy to know he will have someone his age to play with very soon!!
Last weekend we got out the Christmas decorations. We have a "friendly competition" with the neighbors regarding who gets the lights up first....well, we came in 2nd place this year, but only by a few hours!! LOL Daryle didn't put the lights up high this year, he had a battle with the extension ladder, I would say the ladder won! Anyway, I still think they look nice....this picture doesn't do it justice!
Here is our other new friend on the lawn, Mr. Polar Bear.
Frosty is back!!! He has been part of our family for a few years now. Travis loves it when Frosty comes out to play for few weeks!
Ok, now for a funny Travis story. I have several nativity scenes in my house at Christmas time. One is wooden and for kids, another one is sort of for kids (I told Travis he could play with it) and a third one Travis was really interested in because it is a Native American set with a tee-pee, cactus and a coyote. Anyway, I told him he could be "in charge" of those and Mommy was in charge of the big, nice one on the entry way table. So, he was playing with them for awhile. After he went to bed I went to turn the lights off, and this is what I found....

Evidentally, he put all three baby Jesus' in the manger, with all of the animals and people looking on! (Also notice the car inside the manger, I suppose that is Jesus' car??!!) I especially like how they seemed to arrive there by school bus, tractor and race car! I was laughing so hard!! I called Daryle over and we cracked up, I ran for my camera to get these shots!! It sure gave us a good laugh, he is such a funny kid!! Then I went over to where the Native American set was, and all the people were in a semi-circle looking at NOTHING!! I didn't get a picture of that one, sorry! So, the next day I casually asked him why all the babies were together and he said, "They didn't want to be lonely." AHH, of course!!
So, I will give you a short update of our Thanksgiving and how we have been decorating the house for Christmas.
Here is Travis with Grammy at the park on Thanksgiving afternoon. We had a really nice day!

I hope my next post is the news you are all waiting for!!
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