Today we cleared out the "guest room" aka "junk room" and took all of the furniture (well, just a bed and dresser) over to Grandpa's new apartment here in Queen Creek. Now I just have to clear out the years of pictures, awards, certificates, etc., etc., etc., that had been accumulating over the years. Anybody know what to do with an old computer??? I have no idea how to "clear it out" so that hackers can't get my information. Right now it is a dust collector! We are going to paint the room and move Travis into this room (he wants to do an Oakland Raiders theme....they finally convinced me it wouldn't be too bad!) and then I will clean up Travis' room, maybe put on a new coat of paint (if I can find the time!) and put the baby in that room. (We still haven't agreed on the name ... either Matthew or Connor).
Besides all of that I am now 3 weeks into my next class for my Master's degree. This one is a LOT of work, but worth it. I don't know if I will be able to keep this up once the baby gets here, so although I am quite anxious to get over to Russia, part of me is glad I am able to get this class behind me!! I feel like I am running around in circles all the time!!
Well, that is all for now. Travis is still doing very well in soccer, he scored 3 goals today! Last weekend he went to the Monster Truck show with Daryle and Grandpa, they had a blast. Here are a few pictures.