Tuesday, April 28, 2009
It's in the mail....
We are still hopeful that we will have court sometime in June, however, we do need to be sensible and realize that it may not happen in June. I always seem to have my guard up, I know. I did talk with our agency yesterday and after that conversation I realized we may not have court in June. I can't go into details about it here for obvious reasons, but I am just feeling a bit down about it right now. I know it will all work out the way it should, but sometimes I just wonder why things can't go smoothly and easily for us for once. It seems like everything we do is something "new" for our agency and "out of the norm". It seems it was like this when we were trying to get Travis home too. Those who were with me understand what I am saying. When we started with this agency I warned them about working with us! LOL If it is odd and unusual it will happen to us. So, for now we are just taking it one day at a time.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Checking things off the list
As far as our court date, we still do not have an official word on that. We were told it would be about a month until we got our date. Today it was 4 weeks since we last saw Connor, so I feel like we are that much closer to getting our court date. It seems like people have been waiting about 5 weeks or so from trip one to getting their court date, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that we hear something this week or early the following week. I am anxious to get the flights scheduled, the prices go up the closer you get to your travel dates. I did find out that American Airlines has a flight from here to Chicago and then Chicago to Moscow. It is almost half the price of the Delta flight, which is what we flew the first trip. American Airlines flies into a different airport, but we were told that was not a problem, it is just a busier airport because it is domestic and international. Actually, we flew in and out of that airport when we flew to Blago to
get Travis.
I still need to get Connor's room ready for him. I need to get a dresser for his room, I don't have one and believe me I have things to put in there. Granted, a lot of the clothes I need to store are too big for him yet but I need to get them organized and put away. Right now his room looks pretty scary, sort of like a baby toy/clothes/furniture bomb went off in there! I don't think I am going to paint his room yet, I am just going to put up some of the same things I had up when Travis was in the crib and then when he changes to a bed then I will probably paint and do his room to fit his interests. For today that is the plan, I reserve the right to change my mind at any given moment! Afterall, it is sort of like I am pregnant, right??!!
I only have two weeks left of this class I am taking and then I am taking an on-line summer school course. I think that is all I can handle for the summer! All my "buddies" are taking two classes this summer, I will just have to be a class behind I guess. One big bummer about all of this is that part of the reason I am getting my Master's degree is to move on the pay scale. Well, with all of the budget cuts there are no raises this year and I don't think they will even let people who are taking classes move over a lane on the scale. That really stinks. But then I am thankful for the fact that I didn't get a RIF letter (reduction in force) and that I am still employed. I am thankful for the fact that I am collecting a paycheck and I have health benefits. It's a good thing there is always a silver lining, sometimes it is just harder to find it!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Singing the "Paperwork Blues"
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tooth Fairy and Pigeons
Now for our pigeon problem. We have these squares in front of our house and the pigeons have decided it is now a nice place to lay some eggs. We discovered this problem right before we left for Russia. I tried to pull down the nest and along came two eggs! Last summer I tried putting an owl up there but they only became "friends" with him. Today Daryle bought these spiky things to put up there. We thought for sure that would be a great deterrent. Well, Daryle just went to take out some trash and guess what.....the pigeons are still there!! They are more cramped but they are still there. Now we will wait and see if they try to build a nest up there, if so then we are really in trouble!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Two days ago I received an e-mail about changes being made to the VISA's required for us to enter Russia. On this last trip we paid $250 a person for our 30 day VISA meaning we had a 30 day window in which we were allowed to be in Russia. That is a lot, but ok, not too bad. We knew we would have to do this two more times since we have to make three trips. When we brought Travis home we paid close to $900 total for our VISA's, they were called a dual entry VISA meaning we could enter the country twice within a 90 day period. Well, now there is no such thing as a dual entry VISA and the single entry VISA is now $390 a person!!!! AAAAHHHHH!$!$!$!$!$! I understand people may or may not understand what I am talking about here ....bottom line is, MORE MONEY of course!!! UGH!
(Anybody know somebody who would like to buy a cookbook???) ;-)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Easter
Not much new here, just getting ready to color some Easter eggs. That is always lots of fun! The pack I got this year has "egg tattoos" in it, I thought Travis would get a kick out of that. I didn't even realize it, but Daryle got Diamondback's tickets for the game tomorrow afternoon. So, that is where the two of them will be. I am looking forward to a few hours to be by myself and get some things done around here.
Travis and I were off yesterday and I already started checking things off of my to-do list before we get Connor home. It has been 2 weeks now since we left him in Moscow, I hope and pray he is doing well. It is hard going through a holiday without your child, especially when you have already met them, held them and then had to leave them there! I didn't have to do this the last time, so this is uncharted territory for us. I do know in my heart that he is in a good place (of course not as good as in our arms!) and people are taking care of him. Just one more thing that is out of my control, all I can do is pray and hope for the best. Here's to next Easter when he will be HOME!
Happy Easter to all of you!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Back to the land of the living!!

Here we all are after being away from Travis for a week. He is holding up 6 fingers to show how old he is now. Next year we will have Connor with us to celebrate too! We can't wait
On Friday Travis had his first school field trip. Even after having a week off, I was able to take off Friday to go with him. I felt like after being away from him for so long that I needed to take some time for him. We had so much fun. I took a picture of him by this cactus slide, I have NEVER seen that thing before!! I guess it has been there forever, but I found this area with wallabies and a few other things that were new to me. It was nice, it was like being at a whole new place!
Most of you who have known me for any length of time knows that I would never call myself an "animal lover". I didn't grow up with pets, the only reason we have a dog is because Daryle loves animals and I promised him we could get a pet when we got our first house. I love my dog, I just wish he didn't bark at every little sound! Animals in general are ok, but I prefer to observe them from afar and I rarely ever actually *gasp* TOUCH strange animals! LOL However, Travis is more like his father in that area. Travis LOVES animals. I knew he was going to want to go pet the goats, I cringed, but did it because he likes it and as a mom I need to let him do things like that. Our group was Travis and I and Travis' teacher and another little boy. Well, Travis and his teacher were all excited about the goats, the other boy and I stood back and tried not to let any goat get too near us. We waited patiently for them to finish and then the two of us couldn't get out of there fast enough! I had to chuckle to myself. Here is Travis with his new goat friend. (Actually, I think he had to pet every one of them before leaving the area!!)
Here is Travis touching the stingrays. Those were pretty cool. I was a good mommy and put my arm in there and let one of them swim by and touch me. I spent the rest of the time holding Travis by the back of the shirt making sure he didn't fall in the pool! I think if he could he would have loved to go swimming with them!