Saturday, September 26, 2009
No new pictures for now, but I do have new measurements for Mr. Connor. We had his 15 month check up this week and he has grown 3 inches and has gained 5 pounds since we picked him up on June 15. (He also got 5 shots, ouch!) He is just thriving, it is such a joy to watch him grow! He is growing physically but he is growing in so many other ways as well. Each day the bond between us grows more and more. You can tell he is so comfortable with us, we all feel like he has always been here. It's hard to remember what life was like without him. He is so loving and he loves to give LOTS kisses and hugs. We play a little game where I sit on the floor, put out my arms and say, "Come to Mama!!" He will turn around from what he is doing and will run full force into my arms. It is the best!!! He will do it over and over again. Then of course the "Big Brother" will want part of the action so I have to pretend he is a baby and he runs into my arms, but he practically knocks me over! It is all in fun as both boys are learning how to "share" me. I think we are finally turning a corner. It has been a rough first few months but I think everybody is finally figuring things out and the boys know Mommy loves them both equally. I am sure the "competition" for Mom will be a life-long issue, but for now I think they are realizing I love them both unconditionally.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
New Shoes
I know it seems like I am going a little "blog crazy" this afternoon! I am just trying to keep up to date with everything that has been going on this week. The Master's class I was taking this quarter is over and once I am done here I have to start report cards. The next two weeks will be crazy with report cards, awards, and conferences etc, etc, etc. The light at the end of the tunnel is that then we get two weeks off. WooHoo!! We will probably be MIA for a few weeks after this! LOL
A few weeks ago Grandma Hawes sent Connor a pair of tennis shoes. Well, Connor finally had an opportunity to wear them today. He LOVES them! Just look at the smile on that face! Even though he has been feeling grumpy lately due to a cold, teething, etc. he still finds a way to laugh and smile amidst his little aches and pains.
A few weeks ago Grandma Hawes sent Connor a pair of tennis shoes. Well, Connor finally had an opportunity to wear them today. He LOVES them! Just look at the smile on that face! Even though he has been feeling grumpy lately due to a cold, teething, etc. he still finds a way to laugh and smile amidst his little aches and pains.

My Raider's Boys!
Cooler weather= Time at the park!

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Grammy's House
This past week was pretty uneventful I guess. Travis had a great week at school and the adjusting seems to be getting better for him.... for the most part anyway! There is still room for improvement, but I do see a little bit of a light at the end of the tunnel (I am hoping it is not an on coming train! LOL). Connor hasn't been feeling well this week. I thought maybe teething, maybe allergies or a cold. I took him to the dr this morning because he was coughing so much last night and of course I was told it was "just a cold". Great. I paid $20 for that. She did get a bunch of wax out of his ears (sorry if that is TMI!). Maybe that will help him out and he can cheer up to his normal self again soon.
On Thursday Travis brought home a book that his class had made in school. Here is the title of the book:
I am thinking, wow, this is going to be something nice about mom and dad. He was so excited to show me his page, of course it was at the very end of the book. Here it is:
Yep, that says, "They let me go to my Grammy's house." So, I guess that is what makes us perfect in his eyes! His teacher says he talks about his Grammy a lot. I guess they were talking about having a "sleep over" and he talked about sleeping over at his Grammy's. (I am not sure if he knows that is Grandpa's house too??) I told his teacher that Grammy's is the only place he has ever had a "sleep over" at! We had a good chuckle about that. He loves all of his grandparents so much and I am so glad that he has a special relationship with each one of them. Even the "California" grandparents have special spots in his heart, even if he doesn't get to have sleep overs without mom and dad (and now Connor) joining in on the fun too when we come to visit.
Happy Grandparent's Day to all four of you!! We couldn't raise the boys without your love and support.
On Thursday Travis brought home a book that his class had made in school. Here is the title of the book:

Happy Grandparent's Day to all four of you!! We couldn't raise the boys without your love and support.
Daryle, Lisa, Travis and Connor
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Bye-bye to the "Baby Mullet"
Yes, I finally gave in, we took Connor in for his first haircut today. It was sort of hard because that means he is growing up a bit, they always look "older" when you get their hair cut. However, this week the mornings have been busier and messier because I have had to clean bananas out of his hair every morning! (Along with whatever food he happens to be eating, the bananas are just his favorite food of choice to smash into his head! lol Then at dinner he chooses peas.) I decided it was time, so we all packed into the car and away we went. I actually paid way too much because we went to Cool Cuts for Kids, oh well, I wanted it to be special and special is what we got. He was able to sit in this cute yellow car and watch Elmo, he was perfect! (Quite the opposite from Travis' first haircut....and his second, third, fourth, fifth... you get the picture!) The unfortunate thing was that as we were walking into the place I realized I had forgotten my camera!!! UGH! I had meant to bring that with me and completely forgot. The place was too far away to run back home so we took some pics on our camera phones. I have no idea how to get those off of there though. So, we took pictures at home to see the finished look. Travis got a nice cut but then asked the lady to style it into a Mohawk!! I said ok, since it wasn't CUT like one I guess I could live with one day of a Mohawk. THEN he asked to have it be blue and orange! Daryle was a bit upset because those are Broncos colors and we are Raiders fans...oh well, those are the colors he wanted so that is what he got. Here is how they looked when we got home.

I had trouble posting these pictures so they are out of order...but if you look closely you can see the orange and blue tips on Travis' hair! And as for Connor.... no more mullet!!

Here are two cute pictures from the week. Travis has become an organizing junkie again and has organized his trucks all around the sides of the container.... have NO idea where he gets this from! LOL And last but not least is a big smile from Mr. Connor, he is so happy all the time, unless of course he is hungry, tired, thirsty or being trampled upon by his brother.... His little smile is so contagious, as is his laugh. I must say I think he understands everything we are saying now and it is only a matter of time before he will be talking. When he does, he is going to have A LOT to say for sure!
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