Why does it seem like when you have Monday off the week seems even longer?? Throw in lots and lots of rain, several rainy day schedules on top of everything else and 4 days feels like 10. We had a crazy week of weather here in the valley of the sun, it actually has felt a little bit like "winter". I don't expect it to last long though, we should be back in shorts by the beginning of March. I kid you not. We don't know what to do with ourselves when it gets cold and rainy outside, so Travis learned a few new things this week.

On Monday we went over to visit my parents after seeing the dentist. On a side note, Travis had great teeth, no cavities. The only possible problem is that the side teeth are not coming in at all because they are at an angle. So, if they aren't in by the summer.... then we will have to visit with the orthodontist. And just when I thought things would be looking up for us in that department. Oh well. Connor's teeth look great. So far so good there. Ok. Back to my mom and dad's house. For some reason my dad had a deck of cards out so he decided to teach Travis how to build a house out of cards. Travis is now addicted to this activity! It is really good for him. I don't know what he loves more, building the houses or creating earthquakes and tornadoes to knock them down! I am just happy he has found a new talent. Grandpa also tried teaching him how to play poker, well, I guess that didn't work out too well. Back to building and destroying houses we will go!

Tonight Travis and I baked some yummy chocolate chip cookies. I said, "Travis, do you want to bake some cookies from scratch tonight?" He said, "What is scratch?"
Ha ha! My poor kid thinks you just pull out a tub of cookie dough and scoop it out onto the cookie sheet and bake them.
Evidently he doesn't remember all of the baking his babysitter did with him all of those years. (Sorry Amber!!) So tonight we went to town. He has learned how to crack eggs (thanks Grandpa!) and he really seems to enjoy baking and cooking in general. Next step, teach him how to read and follow the directions. I love
having a little helper in the kitchen.... he even helps wash the dishes!

Here are the fruits of our labor. I decided to freeze the rest of the cookie dough for another time. Back we go to scooping out the dough and cooking it for a quick dessert.
Other than that, not much new here. My class this quarter is interesting. Can you believe my teacher actually told the class that in Russia there were tons of babies "laying around in concrete beds with nothing but a blanket. They are all mentally retarded"? You can see how much respect I have for him. That was the first night. I decided to "enlighten" him after class. I wasn't even being confrontational, I just wanted to talk to him about where he got his information. Once I told him I had adopted both of my sons from Russia he couldn't get away from me fast enough. It was like he had ants in his pants. Poor man. He has never had kids. He is married but doesn't want any. Yet he acts like he knows it all when it comes to anything, especially in the area parenting and I guess orphans from Russia. I have decided all I can do is pray for him, it keeps my hands busy so I don't strangle him. Hopefully I will make it through the next six weeks without my mugshot being on the news. Some people are so ignorant it makes me sick.
Ok, enough of that. I'm off to kiss my precious boys goodnight.
Mmmm, those cookies look delicious.
PS I miss the rain already!
It's annoying how ignorant some people can be.
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