Normal: Returning to soccer games on Saturday mornings.

Normal: Smiling Connor- Look at all of those teeth he is getting! After an upset tummy this week I think he is finally feeling back to himself.

Normal: Connor loving toys that are not his and anything that is electronic.

Normal: Brothers playing together... nicely!! (I really like this one, we hope it continues!)

Normal: Family dinners and the precious folding of little hands. Whenever we say, "Time for prayers" Connor slaps his little hands together and waits so patiently! He is such a doll!!

Well, as you can see things are slowly but surely returning back to some kind of normal around here. I don't really know what normal is anymore, but I guess this must be it! Travis had a great week back to school, so did I for that matter. I really do enjoy my class this year, I have a really good group of kids. This is the time of year where I either start counting down the days until I don't have them anymore or I get a little sad at the thought of losing them at the end of the year. This is one of those years where I am going to feel a little sad. On the other hand, I am feeling anxious because in just six short months Travis will be in Second Grade with me!!
AHHHH!! I can't believe that day is almost here. Don't get confused, I will NOT have him in my class, but we will be see each other A LOT just due to location. I am excited about it, something to look forward to.
This coming week Grandpa will return to California. We have enjoyed having him around for the holidays, he has been here pretty much since Halloween. I have been spoiled with him helping me out with both boys. He has watched Connor a day here and there plus he has been picking Travis up from school and then picking up Connor for me. It has been heavenly. On Thursday we go back to our regularly scheduled program. Gosh I will miss his help!
This week I will also begin my next class, Human Development. I already took that in my undergraduate work, do I really have to take it again??? I am hoping it isn't too bad, I liked it the first time around.
I hope this is what "normal" feels like because I can handle this... I think... 2010 is just beginning!!! ;-)
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