On Wednesday Travis and I headed back to school. Yes, I know it seems early to most of you. We are on a modified year round schedule. We get lots of time off during the year so we don't mind going back to school early. Plus it is just so HOT here there is not much to do until it cools down. Here is how I found my boys early Wednesday morning. Yes, they were both in Connor's crib! Travis likes to jump in there in the mornings and visit with Connor before they begin the day.
Daryle has made it a tradition to take the day off and take Travis to school on the first day. We snapped this one real quick as I darted out the door before Travis. Luckily we live very close to the school so Daryle, Connor and Grandpa walked Travis to school.
What is in that backpack?? Holy moley!!
Saying good-bye to Rock before heading off to school. He loves his dog so much! (Although he has become a little obsessed with asking me about getting a dog from the pound. It seems he is already making future arrangements because he knows Rock is getting pretty old. Sigh...)
The annual pose by the front door. Getting taller every year!
At school, checking out the playground. He sort of looks like he should be modeling something!
He finally worked up the courage to go on the monkey bars!
Meanwhile, Mr. Connor was at home with his two Grandpas busily learning his letters and numbers by playing games on this Thomas laptop computer. Eating apples has become another one of Connor's favorite things. I usually cut them into slices, but when you have two grandpas taking care of you I guess it is easy to convince them that you need to have the whole thing in your hand at one time!
It has been a crazy week. I have 29 students this year in my second grade class. They are pretty good, but that is a LOT of kids in one room! We will survive, that is my mantra this year! Today I helped "Red Truck Grandpa" get moved into his new house here in the neighborhood. He is moving the big furniture out of his apartment later in the week. I just helped him move the little stuff and get things organized in the house. His new house is walking distance from our house. We are so excited to have him in the neighborhood. Now he gets to experience the fun of having a house here and one in CA. We love having him around, he is such a help to me and of course my boys love having him around. We are so blessed to have so many grandparents who are local and have time to spend with the boys. Not everybody has that, I hope they know how lucky they are!!
As I downloaded the back to school pictures I found that Daryle had taken this cute one of the boys tonight. Travis was giving Connor a piggy back ride, from what I hear they had a great time! Lots of laughs. I love that.
It looks like Travis got practice carrying that giant backpack by carrying around Connor; I think they are about the same size. :) You can do it! 29 kids is a lot, but you are YOU.
Whoa. That backpack makes me grateful that I can take SRJC classes online... two this semester: Photoshop and PHP Programming. See you in October!
- Uncle Billy
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