Where is the time going? It seems I blinked and it was August. Travis and I have fully returned to school and Connor returned to the babysitter this week. It's amazing how we just fall right back into our regular day to day schedule pretty easily. This didn't happen by chance, we had to do some careful planning and then hope it all worked out! Last weekend Connor didn't seem to want to take a nap on Saturday so on Sunday we decided to keep him awake in an effort to get him prepared for his new schedule. Just as I had him sleeping in until 7 or 7:30 in the morning it was time to start waking up by 6:15 every day. Travis and I went to the grocery store and when we came back Daryle told me he found Connor like this on the floor in his bedroom!

It seems he was completely exhausted!! So then he put him in his crib where he laid like this. Boy was he pooped! We let him sleep for about an hour then got him up, gave him dinner, a bath and then off to bed he went. He has been back on his schedule ever since. Phew!

Yesterday he made a little visor at his babysitter's house, here he is modeling it. He was so proud of his creation. He seems to like yellow, whenever he sees it he says,"SUN!!"

This morning Travis played his first basketball game and he even scored a basket! We were so excited for him and he was so proud! He is really good at defense, but we do need to work on his dribbling skills. He looks like such a big kid in his uniform. It seems that no matter what sport Travis plays he does well. I definitely think he has the "athlete" gene in him! Now if I could only get him to pick up a book and enjoy reading more we will be on to something! (Of course that is the teacher coming out in me! lol)

All in all it has been a pretty good week. Daryle's dad is moved into his new house down the street from us and Travis and I are both settling back into school. I have 29 kids (whose counting?) and they talk. A lot. They require a lot of training. A lot. It wears me out. Hopefully it will be time well spent and then we can enjoy a nice year together. Efforts to get another teacher didn't work out so we decided to just deal with the situation the best we can. After all, it is only for 180 days, right?? (as of today we are down to 172...) In addition to Travis and I doing well at school it seems that somehow Connor has managed to recognize most of the alphabet, count to at least 13 and even recognizes the numbers 0-9. This morning I woke up believing Connor knew about 10 letters or so. Well, he proved me wrong. I picked up a Dr. Seuss alphabet book and went through the letters just to see what he actually knew. There were only about 6 he was shaky on. (Truthfully I lost count, he got way more than I thought he would and I was a little in shock!) He even identified about 3 of the letters by their sounds. Some people may think that is normal for a 25 month old, but I have to say I am pretty impressed. Mostly because I have not done anything to encourage this. It's not like I sit around here and drill him with flashcards or anything. I am way too busy to be doing that! He just picks up all of the phonics based toys we have around the house (thanks to grandparents we have a ton) and has seemingly taught himself. I am so thankful that at least one of my children is benefiting from the money spent on these toys! Not only that, but this is a child who didn't even hear English until he was 12 months old. Amazing.
1 comment:
Tell Connor I have plenty of days where I feel like that too. :)
Yay for Travis' basket.
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