This morning started out as any normal Saturday. Travis had an early morning basketball game plus team pictures before hand. We had to have him there by 7:15. Ugh. Anyway, off we went. Daryle and I used up a lot of energy chasing Connor around the
basketball court. Boy does he have energy that just does. not. quit. We came home and hung out for a bit before going to a birthday party. This was at one of those jumpy places. I figured great! Connor is going to sleep
soooo well this afternoon. I will be able to get SO MUCH DONE! The party went well. Once again I was chasing Connor all over the place. I think he could give the Energizer Bunny a run for his money! (Of course Daryle didn't come with us because yesterday he had an ingrown toenail removed and he was keeping his foot away from dangerous children who may want to stomp on his injury. I was on my own.) To add to all of the chaos Travis has been doing breathing treatments the last 2 days because he has a sinus infection and it is draining which
aggravates his asthma. After the basketball game plus a jumpy house he was pretty worn out so he decided not to go with Daryle to the Diamondback's game. Darn. Part of my plan was beginning to go downhill. I was hoping that while Connor napped I could get things done and have some time to.... MYSELF! Well, of course Travis wasn't feeling well and I didn't want him to get worse. I figured it would be
ok. I could handle them for the rest of the day. Dad left and I put Connor down for his nap. Or so I thought. He has decided to climb out of his crib again. For about 3o minutes we played the game. Connor gets out. Mommy puts him back in. Connor gets out. Mommy puts him back in. You get the picture. Finally, I put him down and he stayed in bed. I checked on him and he was in his crib reading a book. Phew. I went to take care of some things when suddenly out walks Connor. It took me a minute to figure out what he did. His hair was slicked back and he was holding a tube of ointment for his scalp. I ran into his room and discovered that he had climbed up onto his changing table, got not only the tube of ointment but also the
container of
Vaseline and had rubbed it all over his hair as well as all over the top of his dresser!! I whisked him away to the tub and tried washing his hair 5 times with 3 different types of shampoo. I attempted to comb it out. Oh. My. Gosh. It was not coming out. I began to panic. This is what he looked like after the shampooing. About an hour after. His hair dries quickly. This is grease. Not water.

Fortunately for me I have a lot of friends on
Facebook. I posted that I needed help and ASAP. Lucky me I got a lot of advice. Since Connor has sensitive skin I opted to use corn starch, clarifying shampoo and a conditioner. My mom even came over with the supplies so we could get to work. Here is our ammunition.

Step one: Cover hair with cornstarch.

Step 2: Wash with clarifying shampoo. As you can see, it was still sticking straight up. We had to do a round 2. Connor was not in the mood to cooperate anymore after he found out about round 1!
Ahh. Finally I have my little boy back. Needless to say, Connor never took a nap. It is now 8:00 P.M. I am exhausted. I didn't get as much housecleaning done as I had hoped. My mom has come to the rescue (just like
Supernanny, minus the English accent). She stayed a while and let me eat some dinner, she gave Connor a bottle, helped me straighten up and then she went home. Daryle is still at the game. Travis is watching some TV. Connor, of course, is sound asleep. I do not want a redo of today!

On to a happier memory. Last Saturday I went to visit my grandma. We just don't have enough pictures of the two of us. Here we are. It was so nice to enjoy her company without chasing my kids around or having them climb on me. It can be hard to watch people who are close to you age. I am so lucky to still have her around and in my life. I love you Grandma!

As I end this crazy day I look at this picture and it makes me smile. Being a mom has its ups and downs and this picture reminds me to hang on...tight! But above all, it also reminds me that we are always there for eachother. We are a family. And... thank goodness for GRAMMY to help us get through it all!! I think she is the only reason I made it through this day sane. (If I am not sane, just don't tell me! Thanks!)