Somebody once told me that when you become a parent the days seem long but the years are short. Those words have always stayed with me. I never knew how true they were until I became a mom myself. On Monday, August 16, 2010 we celebrated 6 years of Travis "officially" becoming a member of our family. "Unofficially" he was always our child. We just needed a judge to make it official ... and legal of course! Prior to August 16, 2004 we carried this one and only picture around with us. We told anybody who would listen that this was our son and we were
waiting to get "the call" to bring him home. That was the longest 10 months of my life. Here is what that little picture looked like.

And here is what my little goofball looks like today!
LOL I can't believe my camera caught his eyes like this. It reminds me of how he sleeps. With both eyes half way open. He is always on the look out for action!

Each year we celebrate by going out to dinner and then coming home and watching the video of when we first met Travis in
Blago. At the end of the video we record him and talk to him so that each year we can see how much he has grown from the previous year. I am amazed at how he has grown and how his voice has changed over the years. He really is growing up. We are so proud of him. He has come such a long way over the years. Here are some pictures of our dinner on Monday night.

Travis with Grammy.

Travis and Grandpa. AKA Grammy-Grandpa

Travis and Grandpa. AKA Red Truck Grandpa.

Here are the three of us. I can't
believe how tall he is getting!

Of course Connor was there too! Here I am with "my boys" as Connor so lovingly says every day. Sure we have our daily struggles but overall we are all so blessed to have each other. I can't imagine not being a mom/mommy/mother to my boys. I know they were hand picked for us and we wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Gotcha Day Travis!! We love you!!
Time sure flies! I still remember when you brought little Travis home. Oh how your love and nurturing have turned him into one wonderful little blessed boy.
Everyone knows that Gotcha Day is one of my most favorite days ... lots of memories ... and still making memories! Grammy loves ya Travis!
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