This week I had to take Travis in for his first ever Orthodontist appointment. I just don't know why they made us go. Just look at this smile! Can you figure it out? Gee, neither can we!!
Hahaha! Anyway, we did go because Travis has a gap in his front teeth and his two other top teeth have been MIA for over a year. The good news is that since January the gap has closed a considerable amount and for his age it is
ok that those teeth haven't appeared yet. We go back in 3 months to see if anything has changed. I am praying we will see some teeth and will be able to cancel the appointment. Wishful thinking I am sure.

Here is what Connor was up to while Grammy and Grandpa came to babysit this past Friday. It appears they were building skyscrapers on the coffee table. Our babysitter was out of town so it was "
Bappas" to the rescue! Connor calls my parents "
Bappas".... he knows they are Grammy and Grandpa but this is his shortened version of what he calls them. It is so cute. Connor's language continues to explode each and every day. Just last night in the car this is what he told Travis. "Shush up! Knock it off! Enough!" We had to control our laughter. First of all, Travis has found it to be quite funny to teach Connor how to say Shush up. So for Connor to use it back on him was funny. We have been all over Travis for teaching him this. However, it could be worse. The other two phrases I am sure are directly from me. Again, it could be worse!! I am just glad to see Connor sticking up for himself. The amazing thing was.... Travis actually stopped pestering him when Connor scolded him like that! The rest of the ride home was pretty peaceful after that.

Here they are enjoying a rousing episode of
Calliou. Although Travis has seen each episode at least 20 times he is still glued to it when it comes on. Connor enjoys the show too. It's nice to see them getting along, even if it is in front of the T.V. We take what we can get around here!

Here we are, all cuddled up. Even though it was over 115 degrees outside on this particular day. It's a good thing Mommy always has time to cuddle with her boys. I won't have much time for this after today. Tomorrow I start my last two classes for my Master's degree. I am doing them at the same time and they are both online. I am so anxious to finish them up! Since they are online I hope to get ahead of the game and finish them up as soon as possible. Graduation will be in December, I can hardly wait! In some ways this program has flown by and in other ways it seems like 2 years ago was such a long time ago. I think
some of this is because my life has changed so much in the last two years. I am so glad I took the leap, now I am almost done! Gee, what will I do with myself when I am done with these classes???
LOL Something tells me I won't have a problem keeping busy!
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