Last weekend I broke down and let the boys blow bubbles
inside the house. I figured I was going to mop the floors anyway, so why not? Well, I was around the corner on the computer and all I could hear was laughing and giggling. I came around the corner and this is what I saw:

Yes, Travis decided it was best to get up as high as possible so that the bubbles had farther to fall! A little dangerous. Yes. But did they have some fun? Of course!

Travis decided this week to be a police officer and write us tickets for various violations around the house. He says he wants to be a police officer when he grows up. (I think he just likes to have power over others!) Sometimes he just cracks me up. He had his pen and paper tucked into his belt along with his two
walkie talkies and his pointer stick. (It was funny to watch him try and bend over. I tried not to let him see me laugh!) He wrote Daryle a ticket for sitting on the couch. Too funny!

Earlier in the week Connor did some finger painting at the
baby sitter's house. He came home with this masterpiece. Here he is proudly displaying his hard work. (And of course Mommy was crying as I took this picture...he is growing up too fast for me!)

On another day this week he made these masterpieces. I can see he has fabulous decorating skills already! Do you think he likes yellow? (Or as he calls it, "SUN!")

Here is how I found him this evening before Travis and I left for the Mother Son Sock Hop at school. He is watching his favorite good-night programming. He loves to sit like this and I was finally able to capture the moment. Even though it appears as if he is still, this pose only lasts for a short while before he is off and running around again. That is why it has taken me all summer to get a picture of him like this!

Here is a picture of me and my date tonight! Isn't he just so handsome? The school had it's first Mother/Son dance and we had a great time. So many of his friends were there, we both had lots of fun. He didn't want to dance with me.... I see how it is...
LOL There was a group of them avoiding their moms. Travis isn't my dancer, that would be Connor. However, once they started the limbo and then the hula hoop contest Travis really "let his hair down" so to speak. It is hard to get him to come out of his shell sometimes. I finally got him to at least stand by me and sort of dance to the last song. Of course most of the people were gone by then. I will take what I can get!

We ended our date by going to get ice cream at McDonald's. Now that's what I call a nice way to end the week!
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