One of the fun things about teaching is getting the little presents from the kids at Christmas time. Over the years I have received quite a collection of interesting items. There have been loads of candy and baked goods, Christmas ornaments and decorations, gift cards, homemade cards and gifts galore. However, after 14 years of teaching I think these two snow people will perhaps be my most memorable gift from a student ever. Sure, they are adorable. Sure, I collect snowmen. Sure, the little boy who gave them to me is a cute little kid. But there is more to this story than meets the eye. You see, this little boy's mother was diagnosed with cancer in September. I first met them at the beginning of the school year. In August our school had a Mother/Son Sock Hop and this mom came with her two little boys too. I remember watching them and seeing how much fun they were having dancing together. Fast forward to September, conference time. The dad came to the conference (I was surprised that mom was not there) and through our conversation I found out about the mom's cancer diagnosis. To say I was shocked is an understatement. At that time they didn't know what stage the cancer was in, they only knew it was in very advanced stages. This little boy never said a word, never acted differently, nothing. At first it made me sad that he didn't say anything but then I figured school must be a safe place for him, away from all of the worries about his mom. Of course my heart went out to him. Over the past few months I have had some emails from his mom. She has the best outlook on life that I have ever seen. Although her diagnosis is grim she maintains a positive attitude and an amazing strength to fight this thing through. She recently told me that since September she has been hospitalized six times. In October they found cancer in her thyroid so they removed that. Then, each time she has chemo she gets so sick she has to go back to the hospital. I am sure you get the picture. This lady has a fight on her hands and a will to live like no other. Imagine my surprise when her son handed me a Christmas present. I didn't know what to think. How did this woman have the time and energy to think about her son's teacher at Christmas when she was going through so many health issues herself? Then I opened up the wrapping paper and found these two cute little snowmen. Yes, his mom made them herself. All I could think was how amazing she was in so many ways. I brought them home and placed them right with all of my other snowmen. I know that every year when I pull them out of my Christmas box I will think of this family. They are in my prayers every day. Life is fragile, appreciate every moment you have with your loved ones. Now, I am off to play with my boys.... ;-)